Thursday 22 December 2016

Forex Wikipedia Malaysia Population

Malasia banco central estados Forex es ilegal Maestro Ramdas. La suya es en realidad otra muy buena explicación. He estado negociando durante 14 años y nunca he pensado en eso de esa manera antes. Pero no creo que BNM lo vea de esa manera. Para ellos, el trazado especulativo de cualquier par MYR (por ejemplo, EURMYR, USDMYR, JPYMYR etc) o instrumento (como los llamamos) es un no-no. En mi respuesta en el enlace de abajo, ofrezco una razón más plausible por qué FX minorista (si se hace correctamente) es legal en Malasia. Cuando compra / vende EURUSD está comprando FX Premium Instrument. EURUSD o USDJPY o GBPUSD no es una moneda es un instrumento. EUR o GBP o JPY es moneda ya que tiene existencia física. Pero el EURUSD no es una moneda ya que no tiene existencia física. Es tasa de cambio. El corredor de Forex ofrece el instrumento del tipo de cambio no moneda. Maestro Ramdas. La suya es en realidad otra muy buena explicación. He estado negociando durante 14 años y nunca he pensado en eso de esa manera antes. Pero no creo que BNM lo vea de esa manera. Para ellos, el trazado especulativo de cualquier par MYR (por ejemplo, EURMYR, USDMYR, JPYMYR etc) o instrumento (como los llamamos) es un no-no. En mi respuesta en el enlace de abajo, ofrezco una razón más plausible por qué FX minorista (si se hace correctamente) es legal en Malasia. Bro Imran. Espero que BNM pueda aceptar las intepretaciones de la ECM9 según sus argumentos anteriores. Yo mismo he enviado un correo electrónico a BNM el lunes pasado con respecto a la cuestión de la legalidad y hasta ahora. No hay respuestas de ellos todavía. Mi punto de vista es que la propia ley (ECA 1953 - Ley 17) está obsoleta y necesita ser actualizada para ser relevante. Si es necesario. Debemos empujar este asunto todo el camino al Parliment. Una asociación de comerciantes (PPMM - Persatuan Pelabur Matawang Malasia) es una buena idea también. Veamos cómo se desarrollará este asunto en un par de días. Plz todo. Actualizar si hay nuevos desarrollos. Fecha de ingreso: octubre de 2007 Estado: Former institutional dogsbody 1.168 Publicaciones 1. Para su guía, ECM9 es realmente nada para BNM a quotacceptquot. Es en realidad una circular emitida por el BNM. 2. Para mí, ECA no contradice las circulares de ECM. Y siento que ECA sigue siendo relevante y no realmente anticuado pues sirve un propósito importante que proscribe el comercio no-autorizado (físico o electrónico) del ringgit, que es la preocupación primaria de BNMs. 3. También considero que BNM simplemente no desea que el segmento inexperto y no financieramente conocedor del público malasio participe en algo que es demasiado grande para manejar, es decir, alentar el comportamiento especulativo no es el trabajo de BNM. 4. Mientras los residentes de Malasia conviertan sus activos de ringgit legalmente (con bancos autorizados de Malasia) para que sea más fácil para BNM rastrear y mantener el ringgit ONSHORE, la gente esencialmente puede hacer lo que quiera con sus nuevos activos en moneda extranjera, incluyendo colocarlos OFFSHORE Como depósitos de margen con el propósito de negociar instrumentos de moneda NO-MYR (no efectivo físico). Todo ello dentro del contexto de la MCE9. 5. También de mi observación: Todo lo que BNM quiere es seguir los flujos agregados para controlar las especulaciones contra el RINGGIT. Para algunos con cuentas de margen de USD3k, creo que la cantidad es demasiado pequeña para que podamos declarar cuando inicialmente convertimos MYR a USD (si no me equivoco), así que sigue siendo seguro. 6. Mientras usted negocie solamente para usted y no otros y no en pares de MYR, y tenga bastante capital, usted puede hacer lo que usted quiere en mi estimación. 7. Creo que los recientes comunicados de prensa de BNM tienen el beneficio añadido de asustar a los novatos con no tanto dinero en efectivo, por lo que no entran en el mercado y lo estropean para el resto de nosotros. Especialmente cuando pierden todo su dinero y gritan al gobierno. 8. que es porqué pienso también que formar algo como su sugerido PPMM es realmente una idea no-tan-buena. En realidad, debemos ser muy discretos y discretamente desalentar a los inversores inexpertos y financieramente ilíquidos de entrar en el mercado. Debemos animarles a que vayan a algo más seguro para sus bolsillos. Como los fideicomisos. 9. Algo así como PPMM nos llamará la atención que es demasiado brillante para nosotros a quottahan. quot Y si nuestra suerte no es buena, el quotloopholequot ECM9 puede incluso ser cerrado. 10. Estoy de acuerdo con usted en que debemos dejar que el asunto se desarrolle en los próximos días. Probablemente soplará en silencio y tendrá el efecto deseado de mantener a los novatos fuera del mercado. 11. No tengo nada contra los novatos, por cierto. Pero si explotan sus cuentas de margen porque vienen sin hacer sus deberes y / o con un capital de arranque insuficiente, podría traer a BNM al resto de nosotros. Y eso no es genial. Lo siento chicos. 12. Permite hacer (o perder) dinero en silencio. Bro Imran. Espero que BNM pueda aceptar las intepretaciones de la ECM9 según sus argumentos anteriores. Yo mismo he enviado un correo electrónico a BNM el lunes pasado con respecto a la cuestión de la legalidad y hasta ahora. No hay respuestas de ellos todavía. Mi punto de vista es que la propia ley (ECA 1953 - Ley 17) está obsoleta y necesita ser actualizada para ser relevante. Si es necesario. Debemos empujar este asunto todo el camino al Parliment. Una asociación de comerciantes (PPMM - Persatuan Pelabur Matawang Malasia) es una buena idea también. Veamos cómo se desarrollará este asunto en una pareja. Fecha de ingreso: Oct 2007 Estado: Former institutional dogsbody 1.168 Publicaciones 1. Nuestra actividad (legítima) no afecta al ringgit en absoluto. El propósito de ECA y ECMs es regular la conversión de ringgit. La única vez que ringgit está involucrado es cuando convertimos ringgit a USD con el propósito de cablearlo a nuestras cuentas de margen. Eso es todo. 2. PERO. El propósito del reciente comunicado de prensa de BNM se centra en las inversiones forex ilegales. Lo que significa que las inversiones legales de forex (dentro del contexto de ECA / ECMs existentes) sigue siendo aceptable. 3. En ninguna parte del reciente comunicado de prensa se mencionó el ringgit. 4. Así que todos debemos dormir tranquilo. Siempre y cuando convertemos legalmente nuestro ringgit, todavía podremos intercambiar pares de NO-MYR FX. 5. Pensando en ello, nuestra actividad afecta al ringgit pero de una manera pequeña e insignificante. BNM hace que usted convierta su ringgit a USD ONSHORE primero simplemente porque ellos no quieren que usted traiga el ringgit fuera del país, lo que hace que sea difícil para el Gobierno rastrear los flujos ringgit. 6. Lo que hagas con tu nuevo activo de USD después es SU negocio. Es su dinero maaa. Cómo puede nuestra actividad afectar ringgit doesnt tiene sentido en absoluto. La mayoría de los comerciantes en Malasia tienen cuenta pequeña, incluyendo a mí. 2. Pero ese tema que usted menciona es algo que sólo debe ser abordado en otro foro. Realmente no podemos hacer nada al respecto, excepto tratar de hacer nuestro dinero de cualquier manera legal que podamos. 3. Nuestra preocupación ahora debe ser sobre los jugadores indisciplinados y financieramente ilíquidos que estropean nuestra diversión quejándose al gobierno cuando pierden sus ahorros de la vida. Por lo que creo que los recientes comunicados de prensa de BNM salieron. Hmm, aunque saben que traen el ringgit en gran cantidad, pueden cerrar los ojos. 1. Para su guía, ECM9 es realmente nada para BNM a quotacceptquot. Es en realidad una circular emitida por el BNM. 2. Para mí, ECA no contradice las circulares de ECM. Y siento que ECA sigue siendo relevante y no realmente anticuado pues sirve un propósito importante que proscribe el comercio no-autorizado (físico o electrónico) del ringgit, que es la preocupación primaria de BNMs. 3. También considero que BNM simplemente no desea que el segmento inexperto y no financieramente conocedor del público de Malasia participe en algo que es demasiado grande para. Gracias por su toda su explicación y lo que está diciendo esencialmente es que siempre que los dineros / ringgit se convierte correctamente antes de ser cableado fuera de Malasia. El comercio de divisas con una correduría offshore es todo legal y bueno. Todo gracias a la quotloophole ECM9. Hola mis hermanos malasios, Tan triste saber de la estupidez. Por qué los estúpidos siempre llegan a hacer afirmaciones locas. ECM. My kaki lah Todos los bancos comercio de divisas, todas las instituciones financieras comercio de divisas. Todas las empresas registradas con ROC comercio forex. Todos los comerciantes de negocios de divisas. Toda la población de Malasia compra divisas cuando compra o vende cualquier producto extranjero. Pero las élites llegan a estafarle los spreads anchos. Esa es la realidad. Usted no vende ringgit. Cómo importa sus samsungs y otras cosas. Usted no comercio forex cómo vender sus productos en el extranjero. Mana lah undang lagi, ada ka otak Ai ya a las mentes oprimidas, no la medicina la. Ningún insulto pretendido. Pero el frastration sobre imbeciles que funcionan el sistema. Realmente rayar mi dolor. Verdaderamente fuga de cerebros. Pero la verdad no es una infraestructura para regular y proteger el comercio de operadores sin escrúpulos. Estaba en el oleoducto en el negocio MME estructurado, por desgracia se convirtió en Gajah putih con la Bursa de Malasia ahora. Si el comercio de divisas es ilegal. Entonces el gato de la tapa es 1r candidato al penjara del masuk. Perdió las reservas extranjeras de toda la nación cuando operaba para el banco Negara. Creo que la melodía de 30 b Miembros RM deben tener al menos 0 vales para publicar en este hilo. 0 comerciantes viendo ahora Forex Factoryreg es una marca registrada. Conéctese Acerca de Productos WebsiteForex Broker Malasia Enviar esta noticia a: brokersforextraders El Banco Negara Malasia es el banco central del país y administra el Ringgit. Las responsabilidades de regulación se dejan a la Comisión de Valores de Malasia, que tiene su sede en Kuala Lumpur. La Comisión de Valores supervisa los productos negociados en bolsa, así como futuros de materias primas y divisas y las actividades de los corredores en el país. Las regulaciones, sin embargo, no han sido actualizadas para acomodar el comercio al por menor de la divisa, y en algunos casos, los pronunciamientos de los funcionarios del gobierno han sugerido que algunas formas de comercio pueden ser ilegales. Encontrar un camino legal a menudo implica seguir con los bancos locales que no apoyan el apalancamiento en cualquier medida. Los banqueros centrales son famosos por desalentar la especulación en cualquier forma, pero los pares de divisas comerciales que no involucran al Ringgit tienden a ser aceptables, una interpretación diseñada para restringir los flujos monetarios de Malasia y retener pistas de auditoría para la recaudación de impuestos. El Islam es también la religión oficial de Malasia, y 16,5 millones de musulmanes representan casi 60 de la población total de las naciones. Los corredores de divisas locales están obligados a ofrecer cuentas especiales de ley islámica, según sea apropiado, para atraer a este sector más grande de comerciantes potenciales, pero el Consejo local de Fatwa ha decidido que el comercio de mercados spot cambia viola sus principios. La Fatwa, sin embargo, no tiene el poder de hacer cumplir sus decisiones, y debe decirse que los juristas islámicos en otras partes del mundo han estado en desacuerdo con esta decisión local. Si usted es un musulmán que considera el comercio al por menor de la divisa, después sea seguro repasar los muchos materiales en el Internet y alcanzar su propia valoración personal antes de actuar mientras que su conciencia le guía. Una vez pasado estos obstáculos, un aspirante a comerciante debe seleccionar un socio comercial de una serie de posibles corredores de divisas. Para protegerse del fraude, es altamente recomendable que invierta el tiempo que se tarda en completar una revisión detallada antes de tomar su decisión final. La seguridad y la seguridad deben estar en primer lugar en sus prioridades. Compruebe las credenciales con las autoridades, verifique que realmente hay una oficina local para apoyar sus necesidades y valide la calidad de su lista corta con otros comerciantes en el área. Tenga cuidado de evitar las empresas offshore. Presionar sus derechos legales en una jurisdicción extranjera puede ser una pesadilla esperando que suceda. Elegir el mejor corredor entre las muchas ofertas disponibles puede ser una tarea difícil, pero con nuestra ayuda, esperamos que usted lo encontrará más fácil. Hemos preparado la lista de algunos de los más acreditados y competentes corredores de divisas en el mercado, y ya que no perderá nada echando un vistazo, es una buena idea para comprobarlo antes de tomar una decisión final sobre su corredor de divisas Acerca de nosotros OptiLab Partners AB Fatburs Brunnsgata 31 118 28 Estocolmo Suecia El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Ninguna información u opinión contenida en este sitio debe ser tomada como una solicitud u oferta para comprar o vender cualquier moneda, capital u otros instrumentos financieros o servicios. El rendimiento pasado no es ninguna indicación o garantía de rendimiento futuro. Por favor, lea nuestra renuncia legal. Copiar 2016 OptiLab Partners AB. Todos los derechos reservados. Malasia Malasia es un país en el sudeste de Asia. Situado en parte en una península del continente asiático y en parte en el tercio norteño de la isla de Borneo. Oeste (peninsular) Malasia comparte una frontera con Tailandia. Está conectado por una calzada y un puente (el segundo eslabón) al estado de la isla de Singapur. Y tiene costas en el Mar de China Meridional y el Estrecho de Malaca. Malasia Oriental (Borneo) comparte fronteras con Brunei e Indonesia. Comprender Editar Malasia es una mezcla del mundo moderno y una nación en desarrollo. Con su inversión en las industrias de alta tecnología y la riqueza moderada del petróleo, se ha convertido en una de las naciones más ricas del sudeste asiático. Malasia, para la mayoría de los visitantes, presenta una mezcla feliz: hay infraestructura de alta tecnología y las cosas en general funcionan bien y más o menos en el calendario, pero los precios siguen siendo más razonables que, digamos, Singapur. Antes del surgimiento de las potencias coloniales europeas, la península malaya y el archipiélago malayo eran el hogar de imperios como el Srivijaya, el Majapahit (ambos gobernaban desde Indonesia, pero también controlaban partes de Malasia) y el sultanato de Melaka. Los imperios Srivijaya y Majapahit vieron la propagación del hinduismo en la región, y hasta el día de hoy, muchas leyendas y tradiciones hindúes sobreviven en la cultura tradicional malaya. Esto iba a cambiar en el siglo XVI cuando los portugueses establecieron la primera colonia europea en el sudeste asiático al derrotar al sultanato de Melaka. Posteriormente los portugueses perdieron Malaca a los holandeses. Los británicos también establecieron su primera colonia en la Península malaya en Penang en 1786, cuando fue cedida por el sultán de Kedah. Finalmente, la zona se dividió en esferas de influencia holandesas y británicas con la firma del Tratado Anglo-Holandés en 1824. Con este tratado, los holandeses acordaron ceder Malaca a los británicos ya cambio, los británicos cedieron todas sus colonias en Sumatra A los holandeses. La línea que dividió el mundo malayo en áreas holandesas y británicas corresponde aproximadamente a lo que ahora es la frontera entre Malasia e Indonesia. Antes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, la Península Malay era gobernada por los Británicos como los estados Malay federados (Selangor, Perak, Negeri Sembilan y Pahang), que fueron gobernados como una sola entidad, los estados Malay unfederated (Johor, Kedah, Perlis, Terengganu y Kelantan), que fueron gobernados cada uno como protectorados separados, y los acuerdos del estrecho (incluyendo Malacca, Penang y Singapur), que eran colonias de la corona. El norte de Borneo consistió en la colonia británica de Borneo del norte, el reino de Sarawak, que fue gobernado por una familia británica conocida como Rajas blancas, y el protectorado británico de Brunei. La Segunda Guerra Mundial fue desastrosa para el Comando Malayo de Gran Bretaña. Los japoneses barrieron las dos costas de la península malaya y, a pesar de los intensos combates, gran parte del ejército británico estaba atado a la lucha contra los alemanes en Europa y los que permanecían en Malaya simplemente no podían hacer frente al ataque japonés. Los equipos militares británicos que quedaron para defender a Malaya eran anticuados y no coincidían con los modernos usados ​​por los japoneses, mientras que los dos acorazados basados ​​en la región, el HMS Prince of Wales y el HMS Repulse, fueron hundidos por bombarderos japoneses en la costa este De Malaya. El 31 de enero de 1942, los británicos habían sido empujados todo el camino de regreso a Singapur, que también cayó a los japoneses el 15 de febrero de 1942. La situación no fue diferente en Borneo, que cayó a los japoneses el 1 de abril de 1942, . La ocupación japonesa fue brutal, y muchos, particularmente los chinos étnicos, sufrieron y perecieron durante la ocupación. Entre las atrocidades más notorias cometidas por los japoneses se encontraban las Marcas de la Muerte Sandakan, con sólo seis de los miles de prisioneros que sobrevivieron a la guerra. Después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, los Estados Federados Malayos, los Estados malayos no fusionados y los Acuerdos de Estrecho de Malaca y Penang fueron federados para formar una sola colonia británica conocida como la Unión Malaya, con Singapur separándose para formar una colonia separada. En la Unión Malaya, los sultanes de los diversos estados cedieron todos sus poderes excepto los de asuntos religiosos a la corona británica. Sin embargo, la oposición generalizada a la Unión Malaya llevó a los británicos a reconsiderar su posición, y en 1948, la Unión Malaya fue reemplazada por la Federación de Malaya, en la que se restauraron los cargos ejecutivos de los sultanes. En Borneo, los Rajas blancos cedieron Sarawak a la corona británica en 1946, haciéndola una colonia de la corona del Reino Unido. Malaya se independizó de los británicos en 1957. La Union Jack fue bajada y la primera bandera malaya fue levantada en la Plaza Merdeka (independencia) a medianoche del 31 de agosto de 1957. Seis años más tarde, Malasia se formó el 16 de septiembre de 1963 a través de una fusión de Malaya Y Singapur, así como los estados de Sabah del este de Malasia (conocido entonces como Borneo del norte) y Sarawak en la costa septentrional de Borneo, con Brunei que decidía no ensamblar. Los primeros varios años de la historia del countrys fueron estropeados por la confrontación indonesia (konfrontasi) así como demandas a Sabah de las Filipinas. Singapur fue expulsado de la federación el 9 de agosto de 1965 después de varios disturbios raciales sangrientos, ya que su mayoría de la población china y la influencia del Partido de Acción Popular liderado por Lee Kuan Yew (más tarde el primer ministro de Singapur) fueron vistos como una amenaza A la dominación malaya, y se convirtió en un país aparte. Política Editar sección Malasia es una monarquía constitucional, nominalmente encabezada por el gobernante Paramount (Yang di-Pertuan Agong), que es elegido por los gobernantes (7 sultanes, el Yang Di-Pertuan Besar de Negeri Sembilan y el Raja de Perlis) durante cinco De los gobernantes de los nueve estados reales de Malasia, aunque en la práctica la elección sigue generalmente una orden prescrita basada en la antigüedad de los gobernantes en el momento de la independencia. Esto le da a Malasia un sistema político único de monarquía rotacional, en el que cada uno de los gobernantes estatales se turnaría para ser el rey de Malasia. El actual rey, de Kedah, fue juramentado el 13 de diciembre de 2011. El gobierno de Malasia se basa en gran medida en el sistema británico de Westminster, que consiste en un parlamento nacional bicameral, con cada uno de los estados que también tienen su propio unicameral Dewan Undangan Negeri (Asamblea Legislativa Estatal ). La cámara baja, conocida como Dewan Rakyat (Salón del Pueblo) es elegida directamente por el pueblo. La cámara alta, conocida como Dewan Negara (Salón Nacional), consta de 26 miembros elegidos por los gobiernos estatales, cada estado tiene 2 representantes, mientras que los restantes son nombrados por el rey. El jefe del gobierno es el primer ministro, que es el líder del partido ganador en la cámara baja. El partido de la Organización Nacional Malaya (UMNO) y su coalición del Frente Nacional (Barisan Nasional) han gobernado a Malasia ininterrumpidamente desde su independencia, y aunque las elecciones periódicas son disputadas por partidos de oposición, el equilibrio ha sido siempre cambiado en favor de los gobiernos, En parte debido al control de la prensa y el uso de la legislación restrictiva de seguridad que data de la época colonial. En la práctica, el rey es sólo el Jefe de Estado nominal, mientras que el Primer Ministro es el que ejerce la mayor autoridad en el gobierno. Geografía Editar Malasia peninsular (Malasia: Semenanjung Malasia) ocupa toda la península malaya entre Tailandia y Singapur. Y también se conoce como Malasia occidental (Malasia Barat) o Malaya ligeramente arcaico (Tanah Melayu). Es el hogar de la mayor parte de la población de Malasia, su capital y la ciudad más grande de Kuala Lumpur. Y generalmente se desarrolla más económicamente. Dentro de Malasia Peninsular, la Costa Oeste está más desarrollada y urbanizada, y separada de la Costa Este más rural por una cordillera - el Titiwangsa. Unos 800 km al este es Malasia oriental (Malasia Timur), que ocupa el tercio norteño de la isla de Borneo. Compartido con Indonesia y el pequeño Brunei. Parcialmente cubierto en selva impenetrable donde headhunters vagan (en redes GSM si nada más), Malasia Oriental es rica en recursos naturales pero mucho interior de Malasia para la industria y el turismo. El terreno consiste en llanuras costeras subiendo a colinas y montañas. Malasia peninsular consiste en llanuras en las costas del este y del oeste, separadas una de la otra por una cordillera conocida como el Barisan Titiwangsa que funciona del norte al sur. People Edit Malaysia es una sociedad multicultural. Mientras que los malayos constituyen una mayoría de 52, también hay 27 chinos, 9 indios y un grupo diverso de 13.5 otros, como el clan portugués en Melaka y 12 de los pueblos indígenas (Orang Asli). Hay, pues, también una profusión de creencias y religiones, con el Islam, el cristianismo, el budismo, el taoísmo, el hinduismo, el sijismo y hasta el chamanismo en el mapa. Vacaciones Editar selvas de Sarawak, parques nacionales, y longhouses tradicionales. Ciudades Editar Kuala Lumpur la capital multicultural, la casa de las Petronas Towers George Town la capital cultural y de cocina de Penang Ipoh capital de Perak con el histórico casco antiguo de la ciudad Johor Bahru capital de Johor, y la puerta de entrada a Singapur Kuantan - capital de Pahang, Y el centro comercial de la costa este Kota Kinabalu cerca de las islas tropicales, la selva exuberante y el Monte Kinabalu Kuching capital de Sarawak Malaca (Melaka) la ciudad histórica de Malasia con la arquitectura de estilo colonial Miri ciudad turística de Sarawak y puerta de entrada a la UNESCO Patrimonio de la Humanidad Gunung Mulu National Park Otros destinos Editar sección Una plantación de té en las tierras altas de Cameron Cameron Highlands famoso por sus plantaciones de té Frasers Hill un tiempo deformación a la época colonial Kinabalu Parque Nacional de origen del Monte Kinabalu, la montaña más alta en el sudeste de Asia Langkawi un archipiélago de 99 Islas conocidas por sus playas, selva tropical, montañas, estuarios de manglares y naturaleza única. También es una isla libre de impuestos Penang (Pulau Pinang) anteriormente conocida como la Perla de Oriente, ahora bulliciosa isla con una excelente cocina que ha conservado más patrimonio colonial que en cualquier otro lugar en el país Perhentian Islas (Pulau Perhentian) brillantes joyas de Oriente Costa todavía no descubierta por el turismo de masas Redang (Pulau Redang) popular destino de la isla para buceadores Taman Negara National Park una gran área de la selva que abarca Kelantan. Pahang y Terengganu Tioman (Pulau Tioman) nombraron a una de las islas más bellas del mundo. Entrar en la sección de edición de Precaución Las autoridades de Inmigración de Malasia comenzaron a tomar huellas dactilares a la llegada y salida en 2011 y estas huellas dactilares pueden encontrar su camino a sus autoridades, - agencias del Estado. A partir de febrero de 2015 las huellas dactilares todavía se toman en el cruce fronterizo de la estación de tren de Padang Besar. La mayoría de las nacionalidades pueden entrar en Malasia sin una visa, y se les expediría un sello de permiso de entrada de 14, 30 o 90 días en su pasaporte. Esto indicaría la duración de la estancia concedida. Los detalles se pueden encontrar en kln. gov. my/web/guest/requirement-for-foreigner. Admisión negada a los nacionales de Israel. Sin embargo, si tiene una carta de aprobación del Ministerio del Interior de Malasia, la admisión está permitida. La siguiente es una lista de ciudadanos extranjeros que pueden ingresar a Malasia sin visa: - (A) Países / territorios que no requieren visa para estancias de hasta 90 días: - Albania, Argelia, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrein, Bielorrusia Alemania, Grecia, Hungría, Islandia, Irán, Irlanda, Italia, Japón, Jordania, Kuwait, el Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte, Marruecos, Países Bajos, Nueva Zelandia, Omán, Perú, Polonia, Portugal, Qatar, Rumania, Marruecos, San Marino, República Checa, República de Corea, Sudán, Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka, , Suecia, Suiza, Siria, Túnez, Turquía, Turkmenistán, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Reino Unido, Uruguay y Yemen. (B) Países / territorios que no requieren visa para estancias de hasta 30 días: - Armenia, Azerbaiyán, Bahamas, Barbados, Benín, Bolivia, Botswana, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Camboya, Cabo Verde, Chad, República Democrática del Congo, Costa Rica, El Salvador, El Salvador, Fiji, Gabón, Gambia, Georgia, Granada, Guatemala, Guinea, Haití, Honduras, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Iraq, Jamaica, Kazajstán, Kenya, Kiribati , Filipinas, Laos, Lesotho, Macao, Malasia, Malasia, Mauritania, Mauritania, Mauritania, México, Moldova, Mónaco, Mongolia, Namibia, Nauru, Nicaragua, Corea del Norte, Palestina, Panamá, Papua Nueva Guinea, Paraguay Samoa, Santo Tomé y Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Singapur, Islas Salomón, Somalia, San Cristóbal y Nieves, Santa Lucía, San Vicente y las Granadinas, Sudán, Suriname, Swazilandia, Taiwán, Tayikistán, Togo, Tanzania, Tailandia y Togo , Tonga, Trinidad y Tabago, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ucrania, Vanuatu, Uzbekistán, Ciudad del Vaticano, Venezuela, Vietnam, Zambia y Zimbabwe. (C) Países / territorios que no requieren visado para estancias de hasta 14 días u otros (si se indica): - Costa de Marfil, Libia, RAS de Macao (Permiso de Viaje / CI de Portugal), Sierra Leona, Somalia Es requerido para los ciudadanos de los EEUU que visitan Malasia para los propósitos sociales, comerciales o académicos (excepto para el empleo). No se requiere visado para una estancia de menos de un mes para los nacionales de todos los países de la ASEAN, excepto Myanmar. Para una estancia superior a un mes se requerirá una visa, excepto para los nacionales de Brunei y Singapur. Los visados ​​son requeridos y el permiso debe ser concedido del Ministerio del Interior para los ciudadanos de Israel. Para los nacionales de la República de Serbia y la República de Montenegro, los visados ​​se requieren sin el permiso concedido del Ministerio del Interior. Los nacionales de países distintos de los mencionados anteriormente (con la excepción de Israel) están autorizados a entrar en Malasia sin visado para una visita que no exceda de un mes. Para las personas con doble ciudadanía (dos pasaportes), la inmigración malasia es bastante estricta sobre esto. Se aconseja que salga de su último puerto e ingrese a Malasia con el mismo pasaporte. Los datos actualizados y los detalles de la información relacionada con la visa se pueden encontrar en el sitio web 1 del Ministerio de Inmigración de Malasia y en el sitio web del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Malasia 2. Tenga en cuenta que Sarawak tiene leyes de inmigración separadas y obtendrá una nueva visa a su llegada. Para aquellos que requieren una visa para visitar Malasia, usted necesitará un separado para Sarawak, así que asegúrese de decir esto al solicitar en la embajada de Malasia / consulado. Si necesita una visa para ingresar a Malasia, puede solicitar una en una embajada británica, comisión alta o consulado en el país donde reside legalmente si no hay correo diplomático de Malasia. Por ejemplo, las embajadas británicas en Belgrado, Bogotá. La Paz. Pristina3. Santo Domingo4. Sofia5 y Tripoli6 aceptan las solicitudes de visas de Malasia (esta lista no es exhaustiva). Los cargos diplomáticos británicos cobran 50 para procesar una solicitud de visado de Malasia y un adicional de 70 si las autoridades de Malasia exigen que se les remita la solicitud de visado. Las autoridades en Malasia también pueden decidir cobrar una tarifa adicional si corresponden con usted directamente. Overstaying160: - Overstaying en Malasia es posible con 10 o 30RM multa por día. Es bastante sencillo evitar el exceso de tiempo haciendo una visa a un país vecino por tierra oa través de un vuelo barato. Por avión La aerolínea nacional Malaysia Airlines (MAS) cuenta con una extensa cobertura de red en todo el mundo y regularmente ocupa un lugar destacado en las evaluaciones de la calidad de las aerolíneas, mientras que la aerolínea de bajo coste AirAsia y su compañía hermana, AirAsia X. Ahora cubren un conjunto cada vez mayor de destinos, incluyendo Australia. China. Camboya. Hong Kong. India. Indonesia. Laos. Macao Nueva Zelanda. las Filipinas. Singapur. Sri Lanka. Tailandia. Myanmar y Vietnam. AirAsia 7, 160 60 3 8775 4000 (línea directa en Malasia: 1-300-88-9933) Malaysia Airlines 8, 160 60 3 7846 3000 (línea directa en Malasia: 1-300-88-3000) La mayoría de los vuelos internacionales aterrizan en Kuala Lumpur Aeropuerto Internacional (KLIA) 9 (IATA, KUL ICAO, WMKK). Las aerolíneas de bajo coste, como Malindo Air y AirAsia, aterrizan en el Aeropuerto Internacional de Kuala Lumpur 2 (KLIA2) 10 (IATA, KUL 2 ICAO, WMKK), a 5 km de distancia de la principal terminal de KLIA. El aeropuerto de Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah (SAT) de Subang, cerca de Kuala Lumpur, maneja aviones fletados y de turbohélice para los operadores regionales Firefly 11 y Berjaya 12, 160 60 3 7846 8228 (sólo billetes), 160 60 3 2145 2828. Ver la sección de Kuala Lumpur para obtener información detallada sobre el aeropuerto. Otros aeropuertos que tienen un número significativo de vuelos a destinos regionales son Kota Kinabalu (Sabah), Kuching (Sarawak), Penang. Langkawi y Johor Bahru. Muchas ciudades importantes de Malasia tienen servicio a Singapur vía AirAsia o Firefly. Berjaya Air también opera rutas desde Singapur a los lugares de buceo populares de Tioman y Redang. El ferrocarril nacional en Malasia peninsular es el Keretapi Tanah Melayu (KTM, también conocido como Ferrocarriles Malayan), que ofrece servicios internacionales del tren a Tailandia (junto con el ferrocarril del estado de Tailandia) y Singapur. Las entradas de KTM con hasta 30 días de antelación se pueden comprar en línea en el sitio web de KTM e-ticketing. Desde / hacia Tailandia: Los servicios de trenes directos (International Express) operados por el Ferrocarril Estatal de Tailandia (SRT) conectan Bangkok y Padang Besar en la frontera entre Tailandia y Malasia. Unos pocos Diesel Railcar (DRC) servicios, también operado por la SRT, Hat Hat Yai y Padang Besar. Los trámites de inmigración de Tailandia y Malasia se realizan convenientemente en la estación Padang Besar. KTM ha discontinuado su servicio de trenes a Hat Yai y ha dejado de transportar el International Express a Butterworth (Penang), en lugar prefiriendo ejecutar sus nuevos y rápidos servicios de tren eléctrico (ETS), así como trenes Komuter regionales entre Padang Besar y varios destinos En la línea electrificada de la Costa Oeste. También hay una ruta oriental menos utilizada de Hat Yai a la ciudad fronteriza de Tailandia Sungai Kolok. Pero no hay trenes a través de la estación de Malasia cerca de Wakaf Bahru (cerca de Kota Bharu). Desde y hacia Singapur: KTM opera el servicio Shuttle Tebrau (13 viajes hacia el sur y 11 viajes hacia el norte) entre Johor Bahru y Woodlands Train Checkpoint en Singapur. Desde Singapur, las formalidades de inmigración para ambos países se hacen convenientemente en Woodlands. En la dirección contraria, los cheques de inmigración de Malasia se hacen en Johor Bahru, y los cheques de inmigración de Singapur se hacen a su llegada a Woodlands. Desde Johor Bahru hay trenes directos a Gemas y Pulau Sebang / Tampin (tendrá que cambiar a un tren ETS para ir más al norte de Kuala Lumpur y más allá), y un servicio de cama en el Jungle Railway a Tumpat (cerca de Kota Bharu) . En autobús Editar Los autobuses / entrenadores de larga distancia en Malasia corren desde Brunei, Indonesia Borneo, Singapur y Tailandia. Consulte las páginas de la ciudad correspondientes para obtener más detalles. Brunei - no hay autobuses directos en Brunei. Sin embargo, hay autobuses de Miri y Limbang que van a la frontera donde hay conexiones a Bandar Seri Begawan. Indonesia - los autobuses directos funcionan entre Pontianak en Kalimantan del oeste y Kuching en Sarawak. Singapur - una multitud de compañías de autobuses operan rutas directas desde Singapur a varios destinos en Malasia peninsular. Incluyendo Malaca. Kuala Lumpur. Penang. Ciudades de la costa este e incluso los suburbios de Kuala Lumpur de Petaling Jaya y Subang Jaya. Los autobuses frecuentes hacen el cortocircuito entre Singapur y Johor Bahru. Y usted puede ahorrar algunos dólares cambiando en la terminal de JBs Larkin a un autobús doméstico barato en vez de tomar un autobús directo más costoso. Tailandia - varias compañías operan los servicios de Kuala Lumpur y de otras ciudades en Malasia a Hat Yai en el sur de Tailandia. Donde las conexiones directas están disponibles para Bangkok y muchos otros destinos tailandeses. Por carretera Editar sección Los cruces terrestres son posibles desde el sur de Tailandia y Singapur hasta Malasia Peninsular. Así como de Brunei y Kalimantan (el lado indonesio de Borneo) en Sarawak. Se requiere un permiso de conducir internacional (IDP). Consulte las páginas respectivas de la ciudad o del estado para obtener información más detallada. Brunei - los cruces principales están en Sungai Tujoh en el Miri. Sarawak. A Bandar Seri Begawan (Brunei), y el puesto de control de Kuala Lurah-Tedungan que se utiliza para el tráfico que viaja entre Bandar Seri Begawan y Limbang en Sarawak. También puede acceder al distrito de Temburong de Brunei por carretera desde Limbang a través del punto de control Pandaruan (Puni en el lado de Brunei) y Lawas vía Trusan (Labu en el lado de Brunei). Indonesia - el cruce principal está en el punto de control de Tebedu-Entikong en la carretera principal de Kuching - Pontianak. Varios otros cruces fronterizos menores utilizados por los lugareños no están necesariamente abiertos a los extranjeros. Singapur - los dos cruces son la calzada que une Johor Bahru con Woodlands en Singapur, y el acoplamiento de Malasia-Singapur segundo que liga Tanjung Kupang en Johor con Tuas en Singapur. Ver Johor Bahru Obtener en la sección y Singapur Obtener en la sección para obtener más detalles. Tailandia - los puntos de control internacionales (con las ciudades tailandesas entre paréntesis) incluyen Wang Kelian (Satun) y Padang Besar (Padang Besar) en Perlis. Bukit Kayu Hitam (Sadao) en Kedah. Pengkalan Hulu (Betong) en Perak. Y Rantau Panjang (Sungai Kolok) en Kelantan. En barco Editar Ferries conectar varios puntos en Malasia Peninsular con Sumatra en Indonesia y el sur de Tailandia. Sarawak con Brunei, y Sabah con Kalimantan del este en Indonesia y Mindanao en las Filipinas. Cruceros de lujo también se ejecutan desde Singapur y en ocasiones Phuket (Tailandia) a Malasia. Brunei - los transbordadores diarios entre la terminal del transbordador de Muara en Brunei y la isla de Labuan y Lawas en Sarawak. Lancha, sobre todo en la mañana, también funcionan entre el muelle de Bandar Seri Begawan y Limbang, Sarawak. Indonesia - los principales puntos de partida de Indonesia son las Islas Riau de Batam. Bintan y Karimun Dumai. Medan y Pekanbaru en el continente de Sumatra, así como Nunukan en el este de Kalimantan. Los transbordadores enlazan Batam con Batu Pahat y Johor Bahru Bintan con Johor Bahru Karimun con Batu Pahat y Kukup en Johor Dumai con Malacca. Muar en Johor. Port Dickson (en Negeri Sembilan) y Port Klang. El puerto de Kuala Lumpur Pekanbaru con Malaca. Los transbordadores diarios también conectan Nunukan con Tawau en Sabah. También hay cruces menores como entre Bengkalis en Riau y Batu Pahat Sumatra y Malacca y Muar en Johor y Tanjung Balai Asahan en Sumatra del norte con Puerto Klang. El puerto de Kuala Lumpur. Filipinas - los transbordadores funcionan entre la península de Zamboanga y Sandakan. Sabah. Singapur - los barcos de pasajeros diarios funcionan entre el punto de Changi y Pengerang, entre Tanah Merah y Sebana cubierta Resort, así como entre Changi y Tanjung Belungkor, todo en Johor. Vea la sección Obtener en Singapur para más detalles. Tailandia - cuatro transbordadores diarios (reducidos a tres durante el Ramadán) entre Tammalang en Satun y Kuah en Langkawi. Malasia. Los transbordadores del vehículo funcionan entre Ban Taba cerca de Tak Bai en la provincia de Narathiwat y Pengkalan Kubur en Kelantan. Malasia, mientras que los barcos de pasajeros se ejecutan entre Ban Buketa en la provincia de Narathiwat y Bukit Bunga en Kelantan. A pie Editar sección Editar en avión Editar En gran parte gracias a la aerolínea de presupuesto AirAsia 13. Malasia está atravesada por una red de vuelos asequibles con precios promocionales anunciados a partir de RM9 para los vuelos reservados con antelación. El vuelo es la única opción práctica para viajar entre Malasia peninsular y Borneo, así como llegar a algunos de los lugares más remotos de Borneo. El transportista estatal Malaysia Airlines 14 también tiene tarifas competitivas que ahora ofrece billetes iguales o incluso más baratos si se reservan con antelación a través de Internet, con la sostenibilidad de la clase de hospitalidad. Y su rama Firefly 15 tiene una red práctica que irradia fuera de Penang previamente, también ha comenzado a funcionar del aeropuerto de Subang (Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah). Berjaya Air 16 también vuela pequeños turbopropulsores Dash-7 de Kuala Lumpur y Singapur a sus propios aeropuertos en las islas de Pangkor. Redang y Tioman. Los precios son empinados (de RM214 más los honorarios una manera), pero ésta es con mucho la manera más rápida y más cómoda de alcanzar cualquiera de éstos. En Sabah y Sarawak. MASWings 17. explota servicios de turbopropulsores que conectan comunidades interiores, incluidas las de las tierras altas de Kelabit. Con ciudades costeras. MASWings se hizo cargo de la red de servicios aéreos rurales de FlyAsian Express el 1 de octubre de 2007, que a su vez tomó el servicio de Malasia Airlines 14 meses antes de eso. Trenes de larga distancia en Malasia rara vez pueden igualar el transporte por carretera en términos de velocidad, pero el operador estatal Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB) 18 proporciona relativamente barato y generalmente fiable Servicios en Malasia Peninsular (pero no Sabah / Sarawak en Borneo). La línea occidental principal conecta Butterworth (cerca de Penang), Ipoh. Kuala Lumpur. Johor Bahru y Woodlands (Singapur), mientras que la línea oriental atraviesa Gua Musang y el Parque Nacional Taman Negara hasta Kota Bharu. Cerca de la frontera con Tailandia y las Islas Perhentian. El orgullo de la flota de KTMBs es el ETS (servicio de tren eléctrico), modernos trenes eléctricos con aire acondicionado que funcionan a 140-160 km / h. La carrera inicial fue entre Kuala Lumpur a Ipoh con un tiempo de viaje de poco más de 2 horas. Con la finalización de la electrificación del ferrocarril y el doble seguimiento de Padang Besar a Gemas. El ETS se ha extendido al resto de la línea electrificada, ofreciendo una conexión rápida entre destinos con tiempo de viaje comparable o incluso más rápido que un autobús. Sin embargo, la introducción del ETS significó el fin de los servicios de trenes diesel incluyendo servicios de durmientes en la línea electrificada. La línea no electrificada del sur entre Gemas y Johor Bahru sigue siendo servida por los trenes diesel con solamente los asientos de la 2da clase. Se requiere un cambio de trenes entre el ETS y los trenes diesel para continuar hacia el norte o el sur de Gemas. El ferrocarril de la selva es la descripción conveniente para la línea del este de la sola pista entre Tumpat (cerca de la frontera tailandesa) y Gemas. Incluyendo paradas en Gua Musang. Kuala Lipis. Jerantut (para el Parque Nacional Taman Negara) y Wakaf Bahru (para Kota Bharu y las Islas Perhentian). El tren de selva original es el lento servicio diurno que se detiene en cada estación (cada 15-20 minutos o así). Su tercera clase sólo, lo que significa que no hay aire acondicionado y sin reservas, y algunas paradas puede ser largo ya que es una sola línea y todos los otros trenes tienen prioridad - de ahí el tren de la selva espera en bucles laterales en el camino para que pasar. Los turistas pueden usar este servicio para viajar a algunos encontrar que es un viaje fascinante y sorprendentemente escénica otros no hay mucho que ver cuando estás en la selva. El tren de la noche de la línea del este entre JB Sentral y Tumpat (para el cual las reservaciones son posibles y recomendadas) también tienen literas y asientos de la 2da clase, y algunos tienen durmientes de la 1ra clase también. Las entradas pueden ser reservadas e incluso impresas en línea en el sitio de KTMBs. Las consultas y reservas pueden realizarse por teléfono en los centros de llamadas de KTMB, 60 3 2267 1200 (Malasia) o 65 6366 6832 (Singapur). En el este de Malasia, la única línea de ferrocarril es dirigida por Jabatan Kereta Api Negeri Sabah (JKNS) 19. que corre de Tanjung Aru cerca de Kota Kinabalu a la ciudad de Tenom. En coche / taxi Editar sección Malasia tiene una excelente red de autopistas, culminando en la autopista Norte-Sur a lo largo de la costa oeste desde Singapur hasta la frontera con Tailandia. La gasolina o localmente conocida como Petrol es ligeramente más barata que los precios de mercado en RM1.90 / litro (Ron 95) (en Malasia peninsular, Sabah y Sarawak). Los peajes se pagan en las autopistas, pero éstos se fijan en diversos grados, que van desde costosos a razonables: conducir la longitud del país (734 km) de la frontera con Tailandia a Singapur, costos RM 108 (US25). Mientras que usted puede conducir de Singapur a Tailandia dentro de un día en la costa oeste, el sistema de autopista es considerablemente menos desarrollado en la costa este, sin autopistas, y menos aún en Sabah y Sarawak, así que asegúrese de factor en el tiempo de viaje adicional Si viaja en esas áreas. Los precios de peaje de carreteras y calzadas dentro de las principales ciudades, especialmente Kuala Lumpur, tienen un precio exorbitante que oscila entre RM4.00 y RM7.00 por cada salida. Para los que piensan en el uso de GPS (Garmin, Papago, Galactio y Mio-Polnav), los mapas de Malasia se puede descargar de forma gratuita de malfreemaps / index. php Garmin usuario afortunado de tener otra opción de malsingmaps / portal /. Ambos mapas del partido es aportado por el sorprendente grupo sin fines de lucro de las personas que comparten una pasión común para hacer mapas gps de Malasia. Mientras que la calidad de conducción y los hábitos en Malasia son mejores que la mayoría del resto del sudeste asiático, no es necesariamente grande, especialmente si para los viajeros que vienen de un país occidental. El tráfico en Malasia conduce a la izquierda, un legado dejado por los británicos. Debe aconsejarse, tenga cuidado con los motociclistas imprudentes, especialmente durante la noche, y especialmente si usted es un peatón: los lugareños suelen pasar por alto una luz roja para los giros a la izquierda, poniendo pedastrians en riesgo. As a motorist, at traffic lights, they will accumulate in front of you - let them drive away first to avoid accidents. Care is needed when driving in larger cities, such as Kuala Lumpur and Penang. Problems include apparently suicidal motorcyclists, congested traffic lanes throughout the day, and bewildering roads especially in the older parts of the city where planning was virtually nonexistent by the then British colonial occupier. Out of town however, cars and motorcycles are the best and sometimes the only way to explore the country. Some of the more rural areas have motorcycles and scooters to rent for as little as RM25/day, a great way to explore the local area or larger islands like Langkawi. As expected, most rental agencies will require a valid drivers licence to be presented upon rental. Fuel levels are often compared before and after rental, as well as for damage, so ensure everything is documented, and request a refund of any excess fuel if possible. The bigger car rental companies like Hertz and Avis may also require you to have a valid credit card where a deposit will be authorised but not deducted from (unless there is damage to the car). Taxis are available in all cities and larger towns, although in smaller places you may have to call one (ask any shopkeeper or consult the yellow-pages). You will generally need to negotiate the fare in advance, although prepaid coupon taxis are usually available at airports. RM5 should suffice for a short cross-town trip, while RM100 is enough to hire a taxi for a full day. It is recommended for traveler to use the ride-sharing apps such as Uber or GrabCar since they are cheaper than the regular taxi most of the time. In Kuala Lumpur, the budget taxis are usually coloured Red and White (City taxi - these taxis are not allowed to travel out of the city e. g. to another state) or Yellow. Taxis are usually small saloons such as Proton Wira and run on NGV (Natural Gas). The Blue taxis are larger saloons or MPVs (Multi Purpose Vehicles) and more luxurious. These cost typically 25-30 more than the budget taxis amp are normally available at taxi stands all over Kuala Lumpur including the major malls amp hotels. The Red amp White taxis can be hailed off the roads amp are metered. Ensure that the taxi driver is a Malaysian (all drivers must have a taxi permit ampamp license with their photo on it) before you board, as unscrupulous taxi owners have been known to rent their taxi out to unlicensed stand-ins. Like in most other countries, a foreigner on a work visa are only allowed to work in the job/industry specified in the visa. All taxi drivers must be Malaysian or a PR holder as the Malaysian government does not issue work visa to foreigners to drive taxis. Additionally, beware of unlicensed taxis (taxi sapu) at the airports. They can literally take you for a ride. There will be touts at the airports offering travellers their taxi service, even pretending to be legitimate. As unbelievable as it may sound, some have been known to rob first time visitors hundreds of ringgit for a single trip into the city, charging 100 times more than the correct fare. At the airports always get your taxi from the authorised operators booths set up in the airport itself amp never from anyone that solicits directly. They will always claim to be legitimate but are rarely licensed and may be unsafe. The taxi operator booths can provide you with receipts. Another tip is to book your taxis in advance. All good hotels concierge will be able to assist you with this. If travelling in an unlicensed taxi you may not be covered by your travel insurance should that taxi be involved in a mishap. Taxi Meter Rate (as of May 2013): Red Taxi (Budget Taxi) 160: Min 3.00 RM 1.00 RM every 1 KM Blue Taxi (Exclusive Taxi)160: Min 6.00 RM 2.00 RM every 1 KM Even when getting taxi from the Airport, make sure you ask for Budget Taxi (Red Taxi), else you end up in Blue Taxi and pay double. In Kuala Lumpur, the 8am to 10am, 12pm to 2pm and 4pm to 6pm are the busy time in the city. But if travelling close distance within city, still prefer to go by meter, unless negotiated cost if not a lot. By bus Edit Report Bad Drivers Bus drivers (especially on more rural routes) sometimes drive carelessly, speed like maniacs, overtake on blind corners, etc. The vast majority of journeys are problem-free but some horrific accidents attributed to reckless driving have, however, led to a crackdown and a nationwide hotline and SMS number for reporting these drivers/vehicles have been set up. These numbers are conveniently pasted on the back of every single large vehicle in the country. The cheapest way to travel in Malaysia is by bus. All towns of any size have a bus terminal offering connections to other parts of the country. There are many companies of varying degrees of dependability, but two of the largest and more reliable are Transnasional 20 and NICE/Plusliner 21 . 24-seater luxury buses are recommended for long-distance travel. If travelling on holidays or even over the weekend, it is advisable to reserve your seats in advance. Note that air conditioning on some buses can be extremely cold so dont forget to bring a good sweater, pants and socks, especially for overnight journeys on luxury buses Talk Edit The sole official language of Malaysia is Malay (officially Bahasa Malaysia . sometimes also known as Bahasa Melayu ). The Indonesian language. spoken accross the border in Indonesia, is similar to Malay, and both languages are largely mutually intelligible. Some parts of Malaysia near the Thai border, most notably Kelantan. have dialects of Malay which are nearly incomprehensible to speakers of standard Malay, though most people in these areas will be able to converse in standard Malay if needed. English is compulsory in all schools and widely spoken in the larger cities, as well as around the main tourist attractions, although in rural areas a little Malay will come in handy. There is also a colloquial form of English spoken among Malaysians in urban areas, not inappropriately known as Manglish . which involves code switching between English, Malay and/or other languages, and takes a bit of getting used to if you intend to join in the conversation on local topics. Malaysians will almost always try to speak standardized English when approached by Western travellers. In general, police stations and government offices will have English-speaking staff on duty. Arabic is taught to those who attend Islamic religious schools, and many clerics as well as other very observant Muslims will have a functional command of Arabic. However, it is not widely spoken, though the Malay language does have a large number of loan words from Arabic. You also might notice some examples of Malay written with Arabic letters. This is called Jawi, and it is still used for religious publications and inscriptions, especially in states like Kelantan. although the Latin alphabet is much more commonly used throughout the country. The Chinese community in Malaysia speaks a wide variety of Chinese languages including Cantonese. Mandarin. Teo-chew, Hakka, Hainanese, Hok-chew and Hokkien. Mandarin is taught in most Chinese schools while Cantonese is commonly heard in the mass media due to the popularity of TVB serials from Hong Kong among the Chinese community, so many are conversant in both, in addition to their native language. The most commonly spoken Indian language is Tamil others include Malayalam. Punjabi and Telugu. In the northern states of Peninsular Malaysia bordering Thailand, there are various ethnic Thai communities, known locally as the Orang Siam . who speak various dialects of Thai. Malacca in the south is also home to a Portuguese community which speaks a Portuguese based creole. The remote forest areas of Peninsular Malaysia are also home to various tribal people known as the Orang Asli . who speak various indigenous languages such as Semelai, Temuan and many others. In East Malaysia several indigenous languages are also spoken, especially Iban and Kadazan. Films and television programmes are usually shown in their original language with Malay subtitles. Some childrens programmes are dubbed into Malay. See Edit There are various beautiful national parks in Malaysia. There are many different types of expeditions available, ranging from those where you hardly lose sight of the hotel to those where you are fully immersed in the jungle with only the guide and yourself if you are willing to pay the money Tours vary from about 4 days to 2 weeks or more. It is very unlikely in most of the national parks for you to see a tiger or an elephant as it is really likely only if you are going to be staying for longer than a few days, i. e. for a couple of weeks at least. One of the most common forms of wildlife that you will encounter in the jungle, however, are definitely leeches In the rainforest it is very, very humid but actually it is not incredibly hot. This is because of the large amount of shade afforded by the canopy created by the interlocking trees. Shop around for deals of getting into the jungle and make your decision based on what type of person you are. If you are going to enjoy a lot of hiking without seeing any other people for days or even weeks then you can have that choice, alternatively you can have a much more packaged tour in which you will probably stay in a very built up tourist town which has probably just grown out of the demand for people wanting to stay in the jungle. To escape from the muggy tropics, do as the English did and head up to the cooler highlands of West Malaysia or climb Mount Kinabalu in Sabah. Malaysia is also well-known for some pristine beaches with great diving opportunities, such as Sipadan off the coast of Sabah and the Perhentian Islands, which are off the coast of northern Terengganu. Coastlines in the less industrialized parts of the country, in general, are well worth driving through for their natural beauty and relaxing seaside kampung (villages), though beware not to swim at any beach which is not protected by capes, lest you be swept away by a powerful undertow. If zoological exhibits are more your thing or you are visiting with children, there are several well-maintained zoos all over Malaysia that are worth a visit or two, most notably Taiping Zoo, Kuala Lumpur s Zoo Negara and Malacca s Zoo. If you are most interested in taking the pulse of a city, Kuala Lumpur s crazy quilt ultra-modern skyline, including the famous Petronas Twin Towers, is worth visiting. Ipoh may be of more interest if you prefer a somewhat slower paced city that features elegant colonial-era buildings from about 100 years ago, and Malacca is for those who want to trace the colonial and imperial history of Malaysia several hundred years further back. Penang is known for its great food and relatively long-standing and institutionalized Chinese and Indian communities, who share the city with Malay and Thai communities. For a completely different experience, consider going to Kota Bharu to discover a unique conservative Islamic regional culture influenced by Thailand. only a few kilometres away, or visit the diverse cities of East Malaysia. like Kuching and Kota Kinabalu. Do Edit Malaysia has excellent scuba diving . The most popular spots are the islands off the East Coast of peninsular Malaysia (Perhentian. Redang. Tioman and many more), although the dive season is limited to April to September. However, the most famous dive site 8212 often ranked among the best in the world 8212 is Sipadan. off the easternmost tip of Malaysian Borneo. There are many other less well known sites, like Layang Layang. Whitewater Rafting Edit You can find tame Grade I to incredibly difficult and dangerous Grade V rapids in Malaysias many national parks: Golf Edit Malaysia has an abundant supply of world class golf courses such as the Mines Resort and Golf Club and Kuala Lumpur Golf amp Country Club, both which hosted the annual PGA sanctioned CIMB Classic. Other notable courses include Saujana Golf amp Country Club, Clearwater Sanctuary, The Legends and many more. Paintball Edit Malaysians love their extreme sports, and this can be reflected by the rather large community of Paintball players. There are both woodsball and speedball fields throughout the country. The Paintball World Cup Asia has been held at Langkawi for the past few years, attracting top team and players from around the world. Speedball tournaments are held throughout the year, such as the Malaysian Paintball Official Circuit(MPOC). Occasionally, the woodsball and milsim paintball communities would organize big games open to all, such as the Tanamera big games, Canyon Apocalypse or the M-SOG military simulation oriented events. Pellet rates are relatively higher as compared to the U. S. The average price for a box(2000 pellets) of field grade is around RM240. The all inclusive rental packages are priced at around the average of RM110 per head. Notable paintball parks are as follows: Canyon Paintball Club (Petaling Jaya, Selangor) - Speedball and woodsball Xtion Paintball Park (Kuala Lumpur) - Speedball Mudtrekkers Paintball (Shah Alam, Selangor) - Speedball and woodsball WTF Training Facilities (Puchong, Selangor) - Speedball Tanamera Paintball (Sungai Buloh, Selangor) - Woodsball(large field) Arena 89 (Klang, Selangor) - Speedball and CQB recball PaintballShah Alam Extreme Park (Shah Alam, Selangor) - Woodsball(large field) BPP Paintball (Kuching, Sarawak) - Speedball Note however that, foreign players are prohibited from transporting their own markers into the country, unless officially cleared by the government. Cycling Edit Cycling is a favourite pass time among most Malaysians. There are dedicated bicycle and motorcycle lanes available on some highways and expressways, the most notable one being the bike lane of the KESAS highway serving Kuala Lumpur and Selangor. Seasoned road cyclists would flock the lane almost every night throughout the year, rain or shine. Bike lanes within the larger city limits are slowly cropping out, such as those in Kuala Lumpur and Penang. However, the general attitude towards cyclists on the road is still rather primitive, so cyclists are to be mindful of their surroundings. There are tons of cycling events organized throughout the year ranging from the competitive Tour De Langkawi to the massive outings such as the OCBC Cycle KL, and down the more laid back officially sanctioned KL Car Free Morning events. Another famous cycling spot would be the bike friendly administrative capital of Putrajaya, specially during the night. Government buildings, complexes and bridges would be lit up with colourful shades of light. Moving away from the public roads, are the immaculate mountain bike trails and routes such as but not limited to: Bukit Kiara Trails (Kuala Lumpur) - World renowned for its vast interconnected network of trails. There is a trail for every mountain biking discipline, but it is mostly catered towards Downhill and Enduro/trail. Most of the trails are extremely challenging technical singeltracks with high elevation gains and fast flowing downhill sections. But there are also easier trails for the beginners alike. The trails are free for all and entrance is free of charge. This is a good way for riders to experience the Malaysian tropical rainforests, wildlife such as monkeys included. There are many ways to access the trails, but the most common way being through the Bukit Kiara Equestrian Club or through the suburbs of Taman Tun Dr. Ismail(TTDI). It must be noted that, some of the more common trails are to be shared equally among the riders and the trekkers, so caution is ought to be practiced. Night rides are common. FRIM Kepong (Kepong, Selangor) - Mostly XC oriented trails and fire roads here, with some challenging climbs such as the Steroid Hill. Note that this is situated within one of the compounds of the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia, so a small entrance fee is applicable. Riders would be able to see how local tropical fruits are being cultivated, though for research purposes. The common trails are shared equally among the riders and trekkers alike. The fire roads are also accessible by automobiles. Kota Damansara Community Forest Reserve (Petaling Jaya, Selangor) - There is a small network of trails of mostly singletrack. So they are not recommended for beginners. The tracks are extremely technical and are full of obstacles ranging from roots to boulders. The elevation gain can be steep too. The deeper parts can be quite dark. Wildlife such monkeys can be found. The trails are usually empty as it is not rather well known just yet, so riding alone in there can be a rather daunting experience. Entrance is free of charge but visitors are to be mindful of cleanliness since it is a community forest. Night rides are quite common. Putrajaya Challenge Park (Putrajaya) - This is a complete bike park. There is a dedicated jump park for BMX and freeride. The trails are mostly XC oriented and is pretty laid back. Buy Edit The Malaysian currency is the ringgit . informally known as the dollar (the symbol can be seen on older notes) and abbreviated RM or MYR . is divided into 100 sen. There are coins of 5, 10, 20, and 50 sen as well as bills of RM1, 2 (rare), 5, 10,20, 50 and 100. 5 sen coins are mainly given as change in large establishments and supermarkets, peddlers and street vendors might be reluctant to accept them. Note that the Singapore and Brunei dollars are also known as ringgit in Malay, so when near border areas you might want to check to be sure which currency they are quoting the price in. Ringgits are freely convertible. Foreign currencies are not generally accepted, although you might get away with exchanging some Euros or US dollars even in more remote areas, but do expect a lot of stares and some persuasion. The major exception is Singapore dollars, which are accepted by KTMB and toll roads, but at a highly unfavorable 1:1 exchange rate (an anomaly dating back to the 1970s when the ringgit was interchangeable with the Singapore dollar). Banks and airports are not the best places to exchange money if it is not urgent. Licensed money changers in major shopping malls often have the best rates - be sure to say the amount you wish to exchange and ask for the best quote as rates displayed on the board are often negotiable, especially for larger amounts. ATMs are available in cities but they do not always work, are out of money, or dont accept Visa or Mastercard. Some, but not all shops and attractions accept card payment, although be aware that if your card is not chip amp pin it may not be accepted. Skimming can be a problem in dodgier outlets. Overall it is advisable to have enough cash on you to make it through the day. Do stock up on cash if heading out into the smaller islands or the jungle. Banking Edit Banks in Malaysia do handle international transactions. These ranges from a nominal fee if you are an account holder to a slightly more expensive amount if you are only walking in to use a certain service. International banks such as CITIBANK amp HSBC have their presence in Malaysia, with the latter having branches throughout the country. Local banking giants are MAYBANK amp CIMB, amp they are a very good alternative to the earlier mentioned banks, especially in terms of pricing, local knowledge amp presence as well as international services available e. g. money transfers. For any enquiries and transactions, get a number, sit down and wait for your turn to be served. (There is no need to queue while you wait in air-conditioned comfort) Banks are open Monday to Friday from 9.30AM to 4PM and selected banks are open on Saturday from 9:30AM -11:30AM except on the first and third Saturdays of each month. In the states of Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu, they are open Saturday to Wednesday from 9.30AM to 4PM and Thursday from 9:30AM-11:30AM. US Debit cards: Due high levels of fraud, many Malaysia ATMs do not allow you to withdraw using a US debit card. Numerous travellers have noted this on travel forums. This is unique to Malaysia and is not applicable to Thailand, Singapore, or Indonesia. If you call your bank or even Visa/Mastercard, they are often not aware because the transaction is declined by the Malaysia bank. Make sure to bring cash or other form of money in case your debit card is rejected.22 Costs Edit Most visitors will find Malaysia quite cheap, although it is noticeably more expensive than neighbouring Thailand, Indonesia and Philippines. You can live in hostel dorms and feast on hawker food for less than RM50 per day, but youll wish to double this for comfort, particularly if travelling in more expensive East Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur is also generally more expensive than the rest of the country. At the other end of the spectrum, luxury hotels and air fares are comparatively affordable, with even the fanciest 5-star hotels costing less than RM400/night. Tipping is not customary in Malaysia. However, hotel porters and taxi drivers will appreciate a small tip if you have been provided with exemplary service. Most expensive restaurants, bars and hotels may indicate prices in the form of RM19, meaning that sales tax (6) and service charge (10) will be added to the bill. Hotel tax of 5 may also be added to this. Shopping Edit Kuala Lumpur is a shopping mecca for clothes, electronics, watches, computer goods and much more, with very competitive prices by any standard. Local Malaysian brands include Royal Selangor and BritishIndia. Traditional Malaysian fabrics ( batik ) are a popular souvenir. The cheapest place to easily buy ethnic souvenirs (especially wood-based) is in Kuching. East Malaysia, and the most expensive place is in the major, posh Kuala Lumpur shopping centres. In general shops are open from 10.30AM-9.30PM (or 10PM) in the large cities. They open and close for business earlier in the smaller towns and rural areas. If you buy too much while shopping in Malaysia (which is quite easy to do), surface postage rates are very reasonable. Excess luggage at the airport is still high but not as high as in many other countries. Check first with your airline. Eat Edit The crossroads of Malay, Chinese and Indian cuisine, Malaysia is an excellent place to makan (eat in Malay). Look out for regional specialities and Nyonya (Peranakan) cuisine, the fusion between Malay and Chinese cooking. There is even unique Eurasian cooking to be found in the Portuguese Settlement in Malacca, the heartland of the Eurasian community of Portuguese descent. Malaysians are very proud of their cooking and most towns or even villages have their own delicious specialities such as Penang char kway teow . Kajang satay, Ipoh bean sprout chicken, Sarawak laksa . Kelantanese nasi dagang . Sabahan hinava . and many, many more. Most of them rely on word of mouth for advertising and are frequently located in the most inconvenient, out-of-the-way places so you might want to try asking the locals for their personal recommendations. If you intend to travel around Malaysia trying out the local food, dont be fooled by the names. Sometimes two entirely different dishes from different parts of the country can be known by the same name. An example will be laksa . which refers to completely different noodle dishes in Penang and Sarawak. Generally, you can eat pretty much anywhere in Malaysia. Food outlets are comparatively clean - the only thing you should avoid is ice for your drinks, when you frequent the street stalls since the blocks of ice used there might not be up to your hygienic standards. In actual restaurants this is not a problem. Also you might want to avoid ordering water from stalls or the mamak restaurants as they are usually unboiled tap water. Cheaper places often do not display prices most will charge tourists honestly but check prices before ordering to make sure. Eating habits run the gamut, but most foods are eaten by fork and spoon . push and cut with the fork in the left hand, and eat with the spoon in the right. As eating is a favourite pastime of Malaysians, the majority are adept at using the chopsticks regardless of background. Noodles and Chinese dishes typically come with these, while Malay and Indian food can be eaten by hand, but nobody will blink an eye if you ask for a fork and spoon instead. If eating by hand, always use your right hand to pick your food as Malays and Indians traditionally use their left hand for dirty things like washing up after using the restroom. When eating with chopsticks at Chinese restaurants, take note of the usual ettiquette and most importantly, do not stick your chopsticks vertically into a bowl of rice. This is reminiscent of incense sticks burning at the temple and has connotations of wishing death on those around you. If eating in a group, serving dishes are always shared, but youll get your own bowl of rice and soup. Local delicacies Edit Malay cuisine Edit Nasi lemak with sambal ikan bilis (curried dry anchovies), cucumber, chicken curry, and an egg Subtlety is not a priority in Malaysian Malay cooking, as it is characterised by a liberal use of spices (the most important are star anise, cinnamon/cassia, cardamom and cloves - dubbed rempah empat beradik or the four spice siblings), pungent edible rhizomes (mainly galangal, ginger and turmeric), coconut milk ( santan in Bahasa Malaysia), and occasionally fresh herbs (lemongrass, fresh coriander, pandan leaves and various kinds of wild herbs or ulam ). Most Malaysian Malay dishes are curries, stews or dips of one kind or another, but all full of flavour. Nasi lemak (lit. creamy rice) is the definitive Malaysian Malay breakfast, consisting at its simplest of rice cooked in light coconut milk or coconut cream, some fried ikan bilis (anchovies), peanuts, slices of cucumber and a dab of chilli on the side. Originally, the ikan bilis was cooked together with the chilli amp spices to make sambal tumis ikan bilis but it makes more commercial sense to the business man to have them separated as it is easier to make amp the fried anchovies will last longer. A larger fried fish or chicken wing are common accompaniments. More often than not, also combined with a variety of curries and/or sambal (see below). Rendang . occasionally dubbed dry curry, is meat stewed for hours on end in an intricately spiced (but rarely fiery) curry paste until almost all water is absorbed. Beef rendang is the most common, although relatively recent variations with chicken and mutton are not uncommon. Sambal is the generic term for chilli-based sauces of many kinds. Sambal belacan is a common condiment made by mixing chilli with the shrimp paste belacan . while the popular dish sambal sotong consists of squid ( sotong ) cooked in red chilli sauce. Sambal ikan bilis . a common accompaniment to nasi lemak . consists of small dried fish with onions, chilli and sugar. Satay are barbecued skewers of meat, typically chicken or beef. What separates satay from your ordinary kebab is the slightly spicy peanut-based dipping sauce. Kangkung belacan is water spinach wok-fried in shrimp paste (belacan) and hot chilli peppers. Mee rebus is egg noodles served in a sweet and slightly spicy sweet potato-based gravy, usually with a slice of hard boiled egg and some lime. Lontong is vegetables, tempeh and soohoon cooked in a yellow (from turmeric) coconut-based gravy, eaten with nasi himpit (cubed overcooked rice)-- one of the few vegetarian dishes in Malay cuisine Peranakan/Nonya cuisine Edit Culinary borrowings Many regional terms and the odd euphemism tend to crop up in notionally English menus. A few of the more common ones: asam 160 tamarind (Bahasa Malaysia) bee hoon 160 vermicelli, thin white noodles made from rice garoupa 160 grouper, a type of fish (Portuguese) gonggong 160 a type of conch (Chinese) hor fun 160 very wide, flat rice noodles (Cantonese) kangkung 160 water spinach, an aquatic vegetable (Bahasa Malaysia) kelapa 160 coconut (Bahasa Malaysia) kway teow (hor fun)160 flat rice noodles, slang derived from the common chinese dishchar kway teow kunyit 160 turmeric (Bahasa Malaysia) lengkuas 160 blue ginger (Bahasa Malaysia) mee 160 thick egg noodles nasi 160 rice (Bahasa Malaysia) serai 160 lemon grass (Bahasa Malaysia) sotong 160 squid/cuttlefish (Bahasa Malaysia) spare parts 160 giblets offal such as liver, heart, gizzard tang hoon 160 thin, transparent starch noodles, also known to many as glass noodles gearbox 160 knee or shin part of cow The most identifiable cuisine in the region is Peranakan or Nonya cuisine, born from the mixed Malay and Chinese communities of what were once the British colonies of the Straits Settlements (modern-day Singapore. Penang and Malacca ). Ayam pongteh is a chicken dish flavoured with fermented soy bean paste, dark soy sauce, sugar and other ingredients. This mild and slightly sweet is made daily in some Nyonya households. Ayam Buah Keluak is a distinctive dish combining chicken pieces with black nuts from the Pangium edule or kepayang tree to produce a rich sauce. Chilli crab originally a Malaysian specialty which is now available in Singapore as well, is a whole crab ladled with oodles of sticky, tangy chilli sauce. Notoriously difficult to eat but irresistibly delicious: dont wear a white shirt For a less messy but equally tasty alternative, ask for black pepper crab . Enche Kabin are bite-sized pieces of fried chicken marinated in soy sauce, five-spice powder, black pepper, ginger and scallions. Itek Tim is a soup containing duck, tomatoes, green peppers, salted vegetables, and preserved sour plums simmered gently together. Kaya is a jam-like spread made from egg and coconut, an odd-sounding but tasty combination. Served on toast for breakfast, canonically accompanied by runny eggs and strong, sweet coffee ( kopi ). Laksa in Malaysia comes in many wildly different styles, and every state seems to have its signature style. Laksa lemak is a fragrant soup of noodles in a coconut-based curry broth, topped with cockles or shrimp, while Penang s assam laksa is made with a tamarind-infused broth instead of coconut, and has a spicy sourish taste. Kelantanese laksam . on the other hand, comes with wide, flat rice noodles and a very coconutty broth. Mee siam is rice flour noodles served with sour gravy made from tamarind, dried shrimp and fermented beans. Usually served with tau pok (bean curd) cubes and hard boiled eggs. Popiah or spring rolls come fresh or fried. They consist of boiled turnips, fried tofu, fried shallots and garlic, chopped omelette, chopped stir fried long beans and (optional) chilli sauce, wrapped in a thin rice skin covering and eaten like a fajita. Rojak means a mixture of everything in Bahasa Malaysia, and there are two very different types. Chinese rojak is a salad of pineapple, white turnip, cucumber, tau pok (fried bean curd) with thin tiny slices of bunga kantan (torch ginger flower buds), tossed in shrimp paste sauce and sugar, then sprinkled with crushed peanuts. Indian rojak consists of mainly fried fritters made from flour and various pulses with cucumber and tofu, with sweet amp spicy peanut sauce. Acar ( achar ) is thinly sliced vegetables and fruits (cucumber, carrot, pineapple) lightly pickled with vinegar, chilli and peanuts, a common side dish. Not nearly as pungent as Indian-style pickles which happen to bear the same name. Sup kambing is a hearty mutton soup slow simmered with aromatic herbs and spices, and garnished with fried shallots and fresh cilantro. Keropok lekor . a specialty of the state of Terengganu on the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia, is a savoury cake made from a combination of batter and shredded fish. Sliced and fried just before serving, it is eaten with hot sauce. Tempoyak is fermented durian paste, served as a side accompaniment to a main meal. Durian, the King of Fruits Malaysian Malay desserts, especially the sweet pastries and jellies, are mostly based on coconut and palm sugar ( gula melaka . named after Melaka ). Kuih (or kueh ) refer to a plethora of steamed cake-like sweetmeats, mostly made with coconut milk, grated coconut flesh, glutinous rice or tapioca. Labour-intensive to make, they are often very colourful (made so with either natural or synthetic food colourings), and cut into fanciful shapes. Try the onde-onde . small round balls made from glutinous rice flour that has been coloured and flavoured with pandan leaves, filled with palm sugar and rolled in grated coconut. A delight to eat as it pops in your mouth with a sweet sensation of oozing palm syrup. Ais kacang literally means ice bean in Bahasa Malaysia, or in another name of ABC means Air Batu Campur . is a good clue to the two major ingredients: shaved ice and red adzuki beans. However, more often than not youll also get gula melaka (palm sugar), grass jelly, sweet corn, kidney beans, black eyed peas, attap palm seeds and anything else on hand thrown in, and the whole thing is then drizzled with canned condensed milk or coconut cream and coloured syrups. The end result tastes very interesting and refreshing. Apam balik . also called Terang Bulan in some states, is a rich pancake-like dish slathered with liberal amounts of butter or magarine, and sprinkled with sugar, coarse nut and sometimes corn. Bubur cha-cha consists of cubed yam, sweet potato and sago added into a pandan-infused coconut milk soup. This can be served warm or cold and can be a breakfast or a dessert. Cendol is made with green pea noodles, served in a sweet broth of palm sugar and coconut milk. Usually served chilled, and a great respite in the sweltering tropical heat. Pisang goreng literally means fried bananas, encased in batter. A common street food, it can be eaten for afternoon tea, dessert, or as a snack anytime of the day. Pulut Hitam is a rice pudding made from black glutinous rice sweetened with brown palm sugar. Creamy coconut milk is swirled over the rice pudding before it is served. Pulut Inti is a kind of rice cake made from glutinous rice amp coconut milk. It is steamed and topped with fresh grated coconut sweetened with palm sugar. It is traditionally wrapped in banana leaves folded into a pyramid shape. Sago gula melaka is a simple sago pudding served with gula melaka (palm sugar) syrup and coconut milk. Chinese cuisine Edit Chinese food as eaten in Malaysia commonly originates from southern China. particularly Fujian and Guangdong. While authentic fare that is relatively unchanged from its Mainland Chinese origins is certainly available, especially in fancier restaurants, the daily fare served on the streets has absorbed a number of tropical touches, most notably the fairly heavy use of chilli and belachan (shrimp paste) as condiments. Noodles can also be served not just in soup ( tang ), but also dry ( kan ), meaning that your noodles will be served tossed with chilli and spices in one bowl, and the soup will come in a separate bowl. Bak chor mee ()is essentially noodles with minced pork, tossed in a chilli-based sauce with lard, ikan bilis (fried anchovies), vegetables and mushrooms. Bak kut teh (), lit. pork bone tea, is a simple-sounding soup of pork ribs simmered for hours in broth until theyre ready to fall off the bone. Its typically eaten with white rice, mui choy (pickled vegetables) and a pot of strong Chinese tea, hence the name 8212 the broth itself doesnt contain any tea. To impress the locals, order some you tiao fritters from a nearby stall and cut them up into bite-sized chunks to dip into your soup. The port town of Klang is said to be original home of the dish. Char kui teow () is a favourite noodle type at Penang. Some flat egg noddle fried with soya source, prawn, cockles, bean sprouts, chives amp bak you (Porks Oil), though this last ingredient is sometimes absent due to the popularity amp demand of this dish from the Malays amp Indians who traditionally shun pork. Chee cheong fun () is a favorite breakfast consisting of lasagna-type rice noodles rolled up and various types of fried meats including fishballs and fried tofu. The dish is usually topped with a generous amount of sauce. Chwee kway () is a dish consisting of rice cakes topped with chai po (salted fermented turnips), usually served with some chilli sauce. Fish ball noodles () come in many forms, but the type most often seen is mee pok . which consists of flat egg noodles tossed in chilli sauce, with the fishballs floating in a separate bowl of soup on the side. Hainanese chicken rice () is poached chicken served with rice cooked in chicken stock and fat, and tasty ginger and chilli dipping sauces. The chicken has a delicate taste, but its the quality of the rice and the dipping sauces that connoseurs get passionate about. Perhaps better known in Singapore, there is an interesting local variant found in Malacca and Muar. Johor. with the rice cooked until it is sticky and rolled into balls. Hokkien mee () refers to at least three separate dishes. In Kuala Lumpur, this gets you thick noodles fried in dark soy sauce, while in Penang youll get a very spicy shrimp soup. Interestingly, neither of them bear any resemblance to the dish of the same name served in neighbouring Singapore . Kway chap () is essentially sheets made of rice flour served in some brownish soup, accompanied by a plate of braised pork and pig organs (usually intestines). Lok-lok () consists of skewers of fish, meat and vegetables, cooked in boiling broth and eaten with sauces, the most popular being the kuah kacang, which interestingly is a Malay sauce made from peanuts amp traditionally served with satay and ketupat (compressed rice cubes eaten during Eid). Steamboat (), also known as hot pot . is do-it-yourself soup Chinese style. You get a pot of broth bubbling on a tabletop burner, pick meat, fish and veggies to your liking from a menu or buffet table, then cook it to your liking. When finished, add in noodles or ask for rice to fill you up. This usually requires a minimum of two people, and the more the merrier. Wantan mee () is thin noodles topped with wantan dumplings of seasoned minced pork. Unlike the soupy Hong Kong version, it is usually served dry. Yong tau foo () literally means stuffed tofu, but its more exciting than it sounds. The diner selects their favorites from a vast assortment of tofu, fish paste, seafood and vegetables and they are then sliced into bite-size pieces, cooked briefly in boiling water and then served either in broth as soup or dry with the broth in a separate bowl. The dish can be eaten by itself or with any choice of noodles. Essential accompaniments are spicy chili sauce and a distinctive brown sweet sauce for dipping. Indian cuisine Edit Roti canai (left) and roti telur (centre) with a side order of kari ayam (chicken curry) The smallest of Malaysias Big 3, the Indians have had a disporportionately large impact on the culinary scene, with the mamak (Indian Muslim, see below) stall having acquired in every Malaysian city and town, and nasi kandar restaurants offering a wide variety of these to ladle onto your rice. Authentic Indian food in Malaysia includes typical South Indian specialties such as dosai . idli . sambhar . uttapam as well as some north Indian meals like naan bread, korma, and tandoori chicken. In addition, however, a number of Indian dishes have been Malaysianized and adopted by the entire population, including: Fish head curry is, true to the name, a gigantic curried fish head cooked whole until its ready to fall apart. The head itself is not eaten, as theres plenty of meat to be found inside and all around. Note that there are two distinct styles, the fiery Indian and the milder Chinese kind (the latter is sometimes served as a broth for vermicelli noodles). Mamak-style mee goreng is a ubiquitous dish found at mamak stalls, a stir-fried noodle dish loved by Malaysians. Nasi briyani (sometimes spelled nasi beriani ) is assembled by layering the flavorful rice with tender pieces of spiced-cooked lamb, mutton or chicken. At nasi kandar restaurants, it refers to rice that is cooked without the meat, and is merely a choice of rice instead of plain steamed rice to eat with your selection of curries and side dishes. Roti canai is the Malaysian adaptation of the South Indian parotta . flat bread tossed in the air like pizza, fried in oil, and eaten dipped in curry. Eaten plain with sides of dal gravy, curry sauce or both, it is usually dubbed roti kosong. Variations include include roti telur (with egg) and murtabak (stuffed with chicken, mutton or fish), roti boom (with condensed milk) and roti tisu (made very thin like tissue paper, and laced with caramelized sugar). Putu mayam is composed of vermicelli-like rice noodles usually mixed with shredded coconut and some jaggery. East Malaysia Edit East Malaysia, especially Sarawak, also offers a wide range of local dishes, but these are very rarely seen in peninsular Malaysia. See SarawakEat for details. Where to eat Edit The cheapest places to eat are hawker stalls and coffeeshops . known as kedai kopi in Bahasa Malaysia or kopitiam in Chinese. These shops sell, besides coffee, many other types of food and drinks. Particularly popular and tasty are mamak stalls, run by Indian Muslims and serving up localized Indian fare like roti canai . Most hawker stalls stay open till late and some even operate on shifts so you can find the same stall offering different food at different points throughout the day. You can also do take away from any stall, just ask for bungkus (Bahasa Malaysia) or ta pao (Chinese). A hawker meal will rarely cost you over RM5. Hygiene standards in Malaysia, while not up to that of neighbouring Singapore, it is still much better than China or rest of South East Asian countries. Just be observant, and generally speaking, if a stall is patronised by locals, it should be safe to eat there. One step up on the scale is the kedai makanan or the more Western-style restoran . A type to look out for is the nasi kandar restaurant (also known as nasi campur or nasi padang ), with a vast range of curries and toppings to ladle on top of your rice. Seafood restaurants ( makanan laut ) are comparatively pricy but still excellent value by most standards do check prices before ordering though. Local prawns are gigantic, Chinese-style steamed fish is a treat and crab served with sticky chilli sauce is particularly popular. Last but not least, some less adventurous options. Food courts in shopping malls are a good way to sample local delicacies in air-conditioned comfort, paying only a small premium over hawker prices. And yes, you can also find McDonalds, KFC, Pizza Hut and the usual suspects plus imitators throughout Malaysia. Dietary restrictions Edit Being a Muslim-majority country, finding halal food in Malaysia is easy, but most Chinese stalls and restaurants are not halal. Ask if in doubt. Meals at Malay restaurants and Western fast food restaurants like McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Pizza Hut are halal. Restaurants at major hotels are not certified Halal as they serve alcohol as well, but they generally dont serve pork. Local Muslims will eat at Western, Chinese and Indian eateries if there is a halal sign on the walls. Most of the restaurants tend to display their halal certification or halal sign on their places. Halal certification was awarded and enforced by government agency usually JAKIM. Vegetarianism is well-understood by the Chinese and Indian communities (not so by the Muslim Malays and other indigenous minorities) and many restaurants or hawker stalls will be able to come up with something on request (DO state no meat, no fish, no seafood - ASK for vegetables and/or eggs ONLY), but dont rely entirely on menu descriptions: innocuous-seeming dishes like fried vegetables etc will often contain pork bits, shrimp paste ( belacan . commonly used in Malay and spicy Chinese dishes), fish sauce, etc. Indian restaurants usually have very good vegetarian selections - the roti (Indian flat bread - any kind including roti canai, roti naan, capati, tosai) are good choices, and DO insist on being given dhal (lentil-based curry dip) lest youll be given a fish curry dip. Purely vegetarian Chinese restaurants (often serving remarkable mock meat products made from tofu, gluten etc) are quite easy to find in big urban areas with a large ethnic Chinese population. Getting vegetarian food in rural areas, especially those near fishing villages or in Muslim/Malay-dominated regions, may be more difficult, but learning some basic Bahasa Malaysia vocabulary will go a long way to help you get your message across 8212 see the Bahasa Malaysia phrasebook. Upmarket Western restaurants, such as those serving Italian cuisine will normally have some good vegetarian options. Veganism is rarely understood in this part of the world and is largely mistaken as a synonym for vegetarianism, yet the safest bet for a vegan is to patronize a Chinese Buddhist vegetarian restaurant (most Chinese vegetarian restaurants are essentially vegan and operated on Buddhist principles of non-killing and compassion, and thus they abstain from using dairy products, eggs, and the 5 fetid vegetables onions, garlic, leeks, etc. discouraged in Mahayana Buddhism). And if youre still feeling uneasy or unsure, do not hesitate to ask. Sleep Edit Budget Edit Budget hotels and youth hostels are available in most cities and around most tourist destinations. As with most budget accommodations, some are more reliable than others. Be cautious when selecting budget accommodation to avoid places that house illegal vice activities. Larger cities will have YMCAs that are safe bets. Another noticeable budget hotel chain is Tune Hotels, 23 an affiliate of the budget airline, Airasia. They are expanding and have hotels at numerous locations throughout the country Mid-range Edit Mid range hotels are readily available just about anywhere. Prices of 3-4 star hotels are upwards from RM100 and are generally reliable in terms of quality. Splurge Edit 5 star hotels, service apartments and resorts are located in larger cities like Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Johor Bahru, Kota Kinabalu and Kuching. Also, almost all islands have upscale resorts and spas for the wealthy traveller. Malaysia is renowned for having among the cheapest 5-star hotels in the world. Drink Edit Malaysians like both coffee ( kopi ) and tea ( teh ), especially the national drink teh tarik (pulled tea), named after the theatrical pulling motion used to pour it. By default, both will be served hot, sweet and with a dose of condensed milk request teh o to skip the milk, teh ais for iced milky tea, or teh o ais for iced milkless tea. Drinking with no sugar at all is considered odd, but asking for kurang manis (less sugar) will ease the pain. However, if you really want no sugar at all, you can try asking for teh kosong. Another peculiar local favourite is the kopi tongkat ali ginseng, a mixture of coffee, a local aphrodisiacal root, and ginseng served with condensed milk thats touted as an alternative to viagra and red bull combined and is usually advertised with a picture of a bed broken in half. Other popular nonalcoholic options include the chocolate drink Milo and lime juice ( limau ). Freshly made fruit juices are also widely available, as well as a wide range of canned drinks (some familiar, some less so). Topically and, perhaps, politically incorrect, is a local drink comprised of white soya milk and black grass jelly ( cincau ) called a Michael Jackson and can be ordered at most hawker centre and local roadside cafes (mamak) Alcohol Edit Tuak is widely consumed during Gawai Dayak festival and Christmas Day. Although Malaysia has a Muslim majority, alcohol is available freely in restaurants, pubs, night clubs, convenient stores, supermarkets and even hawker stalls for the consumption of its non Muslim citizens amp visitors. Tax-free islands such as (Labuan. Langkawi. Tioman ) and duty free shops (for example in Johor Bahru ), prices are comparatively cheap compared to other states. In East Malaysia, particularly Sarawak. tuak is a common affair for any celebration or festivals such as Gawai Dayak and Christmas Day. Tuak is made from fermented rice which sometimes sugar, honey or other various condiments are added. It is normally served lukewarm without ice. Visitors can choose from strong flavour of tuak (which is normally being fermented for years), or mild flavour (which sometimes just being prepared a week or even a day before). In Sabah. cheap liquors are very widely available at most supermarkets and mini markets in the state. Other alcoholic drinks such as beer and whisky are also widely available. On the other hand, Tuak in Kelantan is also can be considered as a liquor since that it contains trace amount of fermented nipah or sap juice. The alcohol content in Kelantan tuak can easily reach 50 after 3 days from the time it was extracted. Tapai . consists of cassava that is fermented and eaten as a food (though the liquid in the bottom can also be drunk). Learn Edit Malaysias universities are generally well-regarded and draw exchange students from near and far. Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP), 24. It is the best technological and engineering in Malaysia, located in the East Coast region of the country, Pahang. Divided into two campuses, in Gambang and Pekan, on which, the distance between the two is about 60 kilometres. Tunku Abdul Rahman University (UTAR),25. Tunku Abdul Rahman University also known as Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman is a premier private university in Malaysia, it provides programs including business, finance, accounting, medical, Chinese medicine, Chinese studies research, science, creative, and journalism. Multimedia University (MMU), 26. It is Malaysias first private university. Multimedia University (MMU) is one of the leading private universities in Malaysia with a reputation for innovative education, It all began with an invitation from the Malaysian Government to Telekom Malaysia Berhad, to establish the first private university in October 1996. University Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), 27 University Teknologi Malaysia is one of the Malaysian Universities, specializing in engineering and techology. University of Malaya (UM), 28. Malaysias oldest university. It is widely recognised as the top university in Malaysia, and many prominent Malaysians are alumni of UM. Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), 29. Formerly known as Universiti Pertanian Malaysia is among the oldest in Malaysia. Used to focus on agriculture sector but now is the leading universiti in Malaysia in the field of biology, medical science and biotechnology. The only universiti in Malaysia that offer vetenarian degree. Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), 30. The second university in Malaysia, more geared towards technical studies and it is one of three universities in Malaysia that have been identified as research-intensive universities in Malaysia. Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), 31. Focused on Tourism, Biotechnology and Information Technology, has a strong relationship with Australian universities. International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM), 32. Private publicly-funded university in Malaysia, sponsored by eight different governments from the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC). Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), 33. The third public university formed in Malaysia, but the first to use Bahasa Malaysia, as the medium of instruction. Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL), 34. Malaysias private university. Focused on engineering technology and information technology. Limkokwing University of Creative Technology is Malaysias premier private university for an education in creative technology. It has one of the most international student populations in the country. Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), 35. It is one of the famous Management School for tertiary education in Malaysia which is located in the northern Peninsular Malaysia at Sintok, Kedah. This campus comprises more than 21,000 of undergraduates. In addition to this, several foreign universities have established campuses in Malaysia, providing the opportunity for foreign education in a Malaysian atmosphere. Among them are Monash University, Swinburne University of Technology and Nottingham University. Work Edit Obtaining a working visa takes some effort. The easiest way to work in Malaysia is probably to work for an overseas company and get posted to Malaysia. The Malaysian Immigration Department website 36 has basic advice. In order to obtain a work permit, you need to have an offer from your future employer who will have to do the paperwork for you. Its very expensive and comes with many restrictions if a company wants to hire a foreigner and as such next to impossible. As stated above, a feasible way is to get transfered. Finding a job is otherwise unlikely unless you are getting married to a local and even then it remains difficult. Stay safe Edit Emergency numbers Central emergency number 999 Despite street crime such as bag snatching and pick-pocketing is there, violent crimes are only among gang and triad members. Crimes towards tourists are rare but still It is important to keep a close eye on valuable items. Generally, you are unlikely to be assaulted if you avoid deserted areas and use your common sense. Please rely on the policemen in Malaysia, because most of them take up their job seriously. It is not a problem when you want to communicate with the policemen, the English proficiency of the policemen in Malaysia is average, most of them can speak Bahasa Malaysia(Official Language) and English. In conclusion, you can hardly feel any harm traveling through the country. Crime Edit WARNING: Malaysia treats drug offenses extremely severely. The death penalty is mandatory for those convicted of trafficking, manufacturing, importing or exporting more than 15 g of heroin, 30 g of morphine, 30 g of cocaine, 500 g of cannabis, 200 g of cannabis resin and 1.2 kg of opium, and possession of these quantities is all that is needed for you to be convicted. For unauthorized consumption, there is a maximum of 10 years jail or a heavy fine, or both. You can be charged for unauthorized consumption as long as traces of illicit drugs are found in your system, even if you can prove that they were consumed outside the country, and you can be charged for trafficking as long as drugs are found in bags that are in your possession or in your room, even if they arent yours and regardless of whether youre aware of them - therefore be vigilant of your possessions. Malaysia Custom will tax 30 over each item purchased in Malaysia although it may come with any proof/evidence. Beware of Scratch and Win Scams Edit Scratch and Win Scams are rampant in all over Malaysia. Victims are given reward tickets to scratch/tear/peel off on spot to see if they win prizes. In these cases, victims would be informed that they had won prizes in foreign lottery or lucky draws. The scammers would ask victims to make advance payment if they wanted to claim their prizes. They would even offer victims car rides to withdraw the large sums of money, reported a local news source. After which, victims would realise that the prizes never existed or were of lower value than previously promised. Reports on pickpockets and snatch-and-run thieves have been sometimes heard in large cities like Kuala Lumpur, Georgetown and Johor Bahru. As a general precaution, never carry your bags on the side facing the road amp always walk facing the oncoming traffic. Additionally, walk a few feet deeper away from the roads. Women travellers should take extra precautions at night. Do note that in Malaysia, certain crimes are punished with caning. Being convicted of rape, vandalism, illegal entry, bribery, overstaying your visa, and other certain crimes could get you caned. This is no slap on the wrist . Strokes from the thick rattan cane are very painful and can take weeks to heal, and even scar for life. This technique also applies to Singapore. Credit card fraud is a growing problem. Use cards only in reputable shops. Never bring any recreational drugs into Malaysia, even as a transit passenger. Possession of even minimal amounts can lead to a mandatory death sentence . Traffic safety Edit Drunk driving is a serious offense and breathalyzer tests by the police are common. You should not offer bribes at all - if found guilty you can be sentenced up to 20 years in jail Anyone who tries to bribe public officials may be arrested on the spot and placed in a lock-up overnight to be charged for the offence in the morning. If this happens on a Friday or on eve of public holidays, you will find yourself spending a few nights in the lock-up as the courts are only open Monday to Friday. Do not let this dissuade you from requesting help - generally Malaysian police are helpful to tourists. You should just accept whatever traffic summons you are being issued. When on foot, be careful when crossing the street. Vehicles will often ignore pedestrian (zebra) crossings. However, reports of road bullying during accidents is still common so if you are involved in an accident be very careful when negotiating or dial 999 for help. Other Edit Some taxis will refuse to use the meter, even though the official rate has changed recently and most taxis now have a sticker on the rear door that informs tourists that haggling is prohibited. Be aware that taxi drivers, sensing that you are a tourist, may drive around and take a very long route to reach your destination. If using a taxi late at night, it is best to use the dial-a-taxi service as there have been incidents where taxis flagged down during those hours being fake/unregistered. Public demonstrations are uncommon in Malaysia due to police crackdowns, but a number of anti-government demonstrations have been held recently. Should one occur it may be dealt with in a heavy-handed manner, so avoid them at all costs . Stay healthy Edit Tap water is drinkable straight off the tap as it is treated (depending on location), but even locals boil or filter it first just to be on the safe side. When travelling it is best to stick to bottled water, which is very affordable. Ice in drinks might be made from tap water but nowadays, most restaurants and even roadside stalls use the cylindrical variety with a hollow tube down the middle that are mass-produced at ice factories and are safer to consume. Heat exhaustion is rare, but do consume lots of fluids, use a hat and sunscreen and shower often Peninsular Malaysia is largely malaria - free, but there is a significant risk in Borneo especially in inland and rural areas. Dengue fever occurs throughout Malaysia in both urban and rural areas, and can be avoided only by preventing mosquito bites. The mosquito that transmits dengue feeds throughout the daytime, and is most active at dawn and dusk. If you experience a sudden fever with aches and lethargy, seek medical attention immediately. Aspirin and ibuprofen should not be used until dengue fever has been ruled out. Mosquito repellents ( ubat nyamuk ) are widely available. Be careful with mosquito coils, which can easily start fires: set them on a plate or other non-flammable surface and extinguish them before going to sleep. Haze from burning vegetation in neighbouring Indonesia may come and go without warning from the months of May to August so travellers with respiratory ailments should come prepared. Most public washrooms make a small charge (generally between RM0.20-RM5.00, usually depending on the standard of the facilities) so keep some loose change to hand. If the condition of the sitting toilets is questionable, use the squatting toilets instead - both are usually available, and some believe that the latter are more hygienic and (if you can get used to them) are just as easy to use as sitting toilets. Malaysia is largely free from earthquakes as there are no nearby faultlines, though tremors can occasionally be felt when a major quake occurs in neighbouring Indonesia. Typhoons also generally do not occur. However, the Nov-Jan monsoon season often results in flooding due to torrential rains, and landslides are known to occur, most notably on the East Coast. Tsunamis are a rare occurence, though Penang and a few islands on the north of the West Coast were hit by the infamous tsunami in 2004. Government health care facilities are cheap but good, but many visitors prefer to seek out private medical care. Private medical costs can be high and having travel insurance is a very good idea. You can find specialist private doctors and clinics via MYDOC. my 37. it is a local and modern location based health care resources providing patients/consumers with the information that are required for them to make informed decisions on choosing their medical/healthcare service provider. Such information may include the doctors experience, ex-patients satisfaction, quality of the clinic and/or its facilities etc. But if you are in an emergency, please call 999, the national emergency contact number. Respect Edit Whats in a name - Malay names are usually given name bin or binti (son/daughter) fathers name. Mohammed bin Abdullah would usually be called Mohammed by his friends, and Mr. Mohammed for business. Sometimes, the persons given name appears after the Mohammed or Abdul (example: Mohammed Faizal bin Abdul Nasser ) so, in such a case, he would usually be addressed as Faizal by his friends, and Mr. Faizal for business. - Chinese place their family name first, so Tan Ah Heng is Mr. Tan for business and Ah Heng to his friends. Many have Western names, so he may also be known as John Tan . - Indian names are complex, but the south Indian (Tamil) names usually found in Malaysia have two patterns: either given name a/l or a/p ( anak lelaki (son of)/ anak perempuan (daughter of)) fathers name, or fathers initial given name. Given names are often long and may be abbreviated, so Thirumurugan a/l Govindasamy may just be addressed as Thiru by his friends and Mr Thiru for business. The foolproof method is to ask how the person wants to be addressed. - Other ethnic minorities have their own naming conventions. The foolproof method is to ask how the person wants to be addressed. It is advisable to dress respectfully, particularly in rural areas (wearing trousers or a long skirt, not shorts, and covering your shoulders is recommended but not essential). In more metropolitan areas such as Kuala Lumpur, Johor Bahru, Penang, and Ipoh, as well as East Malaysian states (Sabah and Sarawak), attitudes are more liberal. When entering a home or a place of worship, always take off your shoes. Also, never eat with your left hand, or give a gift with your left hand and never point with your forefinger (you may use a closed fist with the thumb instead), point with your feet or touch a persons head. Public showing of affection in larger cities is tolerated but might invite unnecessary attention from the public. In more rural areas it is frowned upon and is to be avoided. Same-sex relationships are a taboo subject in Malaysia. Gay and lesbian travellers should avoid any outward signs of affection, including holding hands in public. Homosexuality is illegal in Malaysia. Swastikas are an ancient symbol commonly seen in Hindu and Buddhist temples. They are typically a reverse image of those used by Nazis and do not express similar sentiments or anti-Semitism, so Western visitors should not feel offended when seeing it in the homes of their hosts. Contact Edit Internet Edit Malaysia is one of the first countries in the world to offer 4G connectivity. Free Wi-Fi is easily available in almost all restaurants, fast-food outlets, shopping malls, City-wide wireless connections and in some hawker stalls. Prepaid Internet cards are also available to access wireless broadband, in some cafes. Customers usually pay RM1.00 to RM5.00 per hour for Internet services in a cybercafe (depending on which city youre in). Internet connections offered in restaurants and cafes are usually free and more and more food outlets are offering this. These include all Starbucks and Coffeebean, and some McDonalds and Subway, and an increasing number of smaller places. Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) also provides free Wi-Fi throughout the airport. Telephone Edit The country code for Malaysia is 60. To call a Malaysian number: From overseas dial the international access code, the country code for Malaysia, the area code without the 0, and then the phone number. From outside the local area dial the full area code, followed by the phone number. There are no exceptions to this rule, except when using a mobile phone. From within the local area just dial the phone number without any code. Malaysia also has four mobile telephone service providers, Maxis 38. DiGi 39. Celcom 40. and U Mobile 41 which utilise codes 012, 013, 014, 016, 017, 018, 019. Network connection in Malaysia is excellent. Mobile number portability has been implemented in Malaysia, meaning a code like 012 that traditionally belonged to Maxis, can now be a DiGi subscriber. Mobile networks utilize the GSM 900 and 1800 systems. 3G (WCDMA), EDGE amp HSPDA networks available in larger towns. International roaming onto these networks is possible if your operator allows it Malaysian SIM cards will usually come with free ringback tones for one month. Explain to your callers that you have it, otherwise they will assume that they have dialed the wrong number. To call a Malaysian mobile number: From overseas dial the international access code, the country code for Malaysia, the mobile telephone providers code without the 0, and then the telephone number. From within Malaysia dial the providers code with the 0, and then the telephone number. From mobile phone to mobile phone within Malaysia dial the providers code with the 0, and then the telephone number. Although you can drop the providers code if the two phones share the same provider, you will still get through if the providers code is dialled. To call from Malaysia to another country: From a landline dial the international access code 00 followed by the country code and the phone number. For example, dialing the United States from Malaysia you would dial 001 followed by the US area code and phone number. On the Maxis network, take advantage of 50 IDD rates via IDD132, which doesnt require any registration, just dial 132 prior to the the 00. From a mobile phone same as from a landline (above). An alternative, and simpler, approach on many mobile phones is to press amp hold the zero button to enter a (plus sign) before the country code and phone number. The represents (in any country) the appropriate international access code. On the Maxis network, take advantage of 50 IDD rates via IDD132, which doesnt require any registration, just dial 132 prior to the the 00 and note that you do not use the symbol using this method. If you are staying for a period, it is worth getting a Prepaid SIM card. Besides the big telco: Digi, Maxis, Celcom, theres MVMO - Mobile Virtual Network Operator that piggy back the big telcos network but offer cheaper rates. eg U Mobile, Tune Mobile, Tron, etc. Most operators operate a tiered system where your credit is available a certain amount of days. eg RM5 lasting 5 days, RM30 lasting 50 days and RM50 lasting 75 days. An exception is the new MVMO, Tron, which offers 365 days validity on all balance. For rates comparisonComparison of Prepaid Postal services Edit Many international courier services like Fedex, DHL and UPS are available in towns and cities but the main postal service provider is Pos Malaysia 42 which reliably provides postal services to most countries in the world. Postage rates in Malaysia are cheap. Much much cheaper than Thailand, Singapore or Vietnam, and surface post is available as well. In addition the mail is reliable and trustworthy. When posting, do not seal the box. This is to allow for inspection in case illegal items are posted this way. A local alternative to the international courier companies mentioned above is the Pos Laju, which provides just as reliable a service but at a fraction of the costs Non-urgent letters and postcards can be dropped in postboxes inside post offices or red postboxes found outside post offices and along main roads. If there are two slots in a postbox use the one that says lain lain for international post. Post offices are open from 8AM to 5PM daily except Sundays and public holidays, although a few in Klang Valley stay open till 10PM. In the states of Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu they are closed on Fridays and public holidays. Media Edit There are eight main radio stations in Malaysia: Klasik Nasional FM (98.3) - Malay TraXX FM (90.3) - English Ai FM (89.3) - Chinese Minnal FM (92.3) - Indian Asyik FM (91.1) - Local languages Hot FM (97.6) - Malay Fly FM (95.8) - English One FM (88.1) - Chinese Most radio stations in Kuala Lumpur broadcasts 24 hours a day. There are many local radio stations (both private and government) in the countryside. Most local radio stations do not broadcast 24 hours a day. The local radio stations in cities broadcast until midnight, and in towns until 8 or 9 pm. Radio jamming is common in Malaysia, and radio stations do not have the RDS, so you have to carefully listen to the ID to identify whether its the one you want to listen or not. There are seven television channels in Malaysia: RTM 1 (Channel 5) - broadcasts in Malay, broadcasting hours: 6AM-1AM. RTM 2 (Channel 8) - broadcasts in English, broadcasting hours: 24 hours. TV3 (Channel 12) - broadcasts in Malay and English, broadcasting hours: 24 hours (since November 2011). ntv7 (Channel 21) - broadcasts in Malay and Chinese, broadcasting hours: 7AM-2AM. 8TV (Channel 25) - broadcasts in Chinese, broadcasting hours: 8AM-2AM. TV9 (Channel 33) - broadcasts in Malay, broadcasting hours: 7AM-1AM. Alhijrah (Channel 55) - broadcasts in Malay and Arabic, broadcasting hours: 12PM-12AM.

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